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Michelle brushed a lock of blue-tipped hair out of her eyes and let out a long, relaxed sigh, expelling the smoke from her cig in a long trail. She was proud of herself, actually. She’d gotten herself down to one a day and this was it. She took another small drag and expelled. It was nice to not be near as reliant on them to relax, but she still liked to have one to unwind after a long shift at work. Once she was finished it was just a small walk over to Carrie’s for dinner and then to her apartment for a nice night at home and a day off tomorrow. It was gonna be a good time...if a couple of large figures, both casting a long shadow down the alley hadn’t interrupted it. But even that wasn’t all that uncommon anymore...except that the face attached to one of them was a surprise to her.


The massive goth paused awkwardly, “...h-hey...Michelle. Hhhow’r you doing?”

Michelle took more than a moment to respond, more than a little dumbfounded at what she was seeing. 

Speaking under her breath, “Oh what the hell…” trying to process how this was possible. Michelle knew Kayla almost all her life, if Kayla had the same condition, Michelle would have known... She started into a long drag on her cigarette.

Kayla paused, having a hard time finding her words until Jenna gave her a light elbow to the ribs to edge her on. 

“W-we uh...we were hoping to ask you for some help with….this.” Kayla motioned to her body, “We’ve been dealing for a while on our own but it’s becoming really inconvenient finding clothes...furniture and stuff.”

Jenna piped in, “We can handle what’s needed financially, just thought you’d know where we could go for this kind of thing.” She looked back to Kayla, who was staring at the ground.

“And...maybe we could catch up.” Kay managed to get out, struggling.

Michelle took a final hard drag on her cigarette, giving the two of them a thousand-yard stare, mulling the situation in her head. Burning the rest of the cig down, she tossed the butt and stomped it out as she stood up, hefting her own  muscular frame off of the railing she was sitting on. 

“ -Sigh- Ok, I’ll bite. You free now?” She said, looking at Jenna.

They nodded.

“Alright.” Michelle walked past them, the two larger girls parting to give her passage. Kayla’s brow furrowed at barely being acknowledged.

“I was headed there anyway.” Michelle said, Kayla and Jenna followed behind as she pulled her pack of cigs out and got another for herself. She was going to have to cheat a bit today.



Richard Handy

The return of the older wiser muscle girl. ^_^