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A mysterious box, left at the door to their dorm room, marked with nothing but her name.

“Oh? What’s this?” Pyrrha asked aloud. Picking up the container she inspected the tag for any more information, but it had nothing. A gift from home? Another endorsement deal? She pondered the possibilities as she opened the door to her team’s dorm room and closed it behind her. She set the box on the her nearby study desk and opened it to retrieve the contents, a metal canister.

“Dust?” Looking through the glass viewing window at the contents, it definitely was Dust. But it was a violet...magenta...red that changed depending on the angle she viewed it, not one she recognized, definitely not any of the standard kinds used in combat. Though it did bring up another possibility: Maybe Weiss had left it for her to try out. If so, she’d have to thank the Heiress the next time they crossed paths. 

Curious, she gave the container’s seal a twist to have a closer look, only to have it violently burst open. Pyrrha had no time to react to the faulty canister as it coated her with the mystery Dust. Stepping back slightly she coughed, dropping the canister as she went to wipe the offending powder off her face...only to find that it was no longer there. Confused, she looked down at herself to witness the rest of the Dust that had gotten on her rapidly vanish...seemingly absorbing into her

This was definitely not normal. Pyrrha knew that one of the oldest ways to use Dust was to fuse it into your body, but she’d never heard of any type of Dust that absorbed into someone on contact.

“I-I’d better bring this to one of the professors, maybe they’ll know what it i-oh!” Pyrrha stopped in mid sentence as a strange sensation began to wash over her. It felt like the pins and needles of a limb falling asleep only warmer...and pleasant. She looked back down at herself again and froze; in shock as she watched...she was growing. The warmth only became stronger as it happened, and she could only look herself over in a fascinated confusion as muscles across her body began to expand out, becoming large and defined where they had not been before. She was getting taller, the floor beginning to look further away as the process continued. Her shoulders broadened along with the rest of her body, allowing for even more muscle to pack on as it progressed. Her pectorals grew hard and defined, and on top of them her breasts ballooned out rapidly. Her hips widened and her butt bubbled out with muscle, keeping a feminine figure on her in spite of how much her entire body was broadening. Her clothes seemed to have been affected as well, growing with her but...they seemed to not be able to keep up entirely as her skirt rode up over her muscular rump, the canyon of her chest uncovered itself more and more, and everything was feeling tighter by the moment. 

Pyrrha was finally able to snap out of her fascinated stare as she began to notice just how large she was growing. She was getting well beyond proportions even for the biggest of Hunters in both height and musculature and it was showing no signs of halting. Some panic finally set in as she noticed how close her head was getting to the ceiling. She was past being able to fit out the door, why hadn’t she tried to leave sooner? Was this going to wear off eventually? What about her classmates, how were they going to react? She thanked the gods that no one had seen her like this yet, especially not her team, and especially not Ja-


The door to their dorm room clicked back closed, Pyrrha slowly turned her head to see Jaune, frozen in place at the scene before him: His partner swelling out to amazonic, hulking proportions. A blush spread across both of their faces.

To his credit, Jaune was able to compose himself and rushed to her upon seeing the distress on her face.

“Pyrrha, what happened? How did...this?” He stammered out, trying not to stare too much as the redhead bent over, trying to cover her massive breasts with one arm and keep her skirt pulled down with the other.

“I don’t know! There was that Dust and it broke and got all over me and then...this!” She motioned to the pile of Dust on the ground and then back to her still-growing body.

“O-ok uhh I-I’ll call Glynda,” Jaune stammered, “she might know what to do.” Respectfully he turned away as he fumbled for his scroll and began to look for their teacher’s number.

Pyrrha was able to relax slightly, worrying less about covering herself with him looking away. At least he wasn’t horrified with what was happening to her. She breathed a sigh or relief and stood herself up- only to find that with how much she’d grown that she banged her head hard into the ceiling. 


Jaune whipped around upon hearing her shout out, “You ok?”

Having hit her head, not being able to stand up straight with how tall she was, and being in high heels combined with not being used to her new proportions meant her balance was all but gone at the moment. 

She stumbled.

And fell back.

...Taking a moment to recover, Pyrrha looked herself over again, her breasts were huge, spilling out of her top like rising dough. Even though she was now sitting, she could see the ceiling inching closer again as her body continued to expand up and out, her muscles huge and powerful beyond any normal human. She had to admit to herself, at least slightly, that she wasn’t...actually minding this all that much. In fact it was starting to become appealing, feeling this large, strong, having this much of a presence. She stretched slightly, the popping sound of her corset’s strings breaking one by one brought to her attention that her clothes were still slowly losing the battle of keeping up with the rest of her. She heard a tearing sound as the seams of her skirt began to split as well. The possibilities of how much good she could do as a Huntress like this came to mind. How she could protect people and defeat Grimm by being such a massive...powerful…

“Uhh. Pyrrha?” Jaune piped in. “I’m glad you’re ok but...you’re kinda heavy and...getting heavier.”

Pyrrha craned her head back and peered down over her massive traps. She hadn’t even noticed that she had landed right on top of Jaune. He was trying to free himself from under her with his one free arm, but very awkwardly, beet red as he had to push against Pyrrha’s now-massive butt to do so. Her skirt now barely covered even the top half of her rump, so her secret crush was currently wedged between the bare skin of her huge, toned ass.

“I’m sorry!”




You have a knack for writing mate, appreciated.


Thanks man, gotta make one little fix but I'm glad it turned out well. Writing isnt something I consider myself amazing at by any stretch