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A shortened version of the animatic will be posted on Wednesday so I figured why not share them with everyone here now - the below sketches are very loose anyway. Let's jump right in!

The Sketches

The two mammals you need to know here are Cotton's parents, the go-getter wonderbunny Mrs. Hopps, and Judy's sweet albiet dorky littermate Mr. Hopps. And a free Mama Wilde. I think I've settled on a design for her.

From left to right we have a nervous Cotton ala episode 1, a young Nick in 80's style color-block sweater, a 10 year old vixen, Nick completely disheveled and unshaven, and Judy who had a sip of the wrong coffee this morning.

Animatic - From Episode 3, 4, or 5

The past 2-3 days have been dedicated to getting myself warmed up to completed Cilantro, and with that I used Uncle Nick. In this slapdash, 2-minute animatic Cotton is spending the day at Judy's house when she starts to see things - and relationships - that aren't quite there. This falls either in the beginning of the ep or 3/4 into it. EVERYTHING is subject to change, but the tone is exactly what I was aiming for. I'll be shelving this until after Cilantro and my r*ffl* art is completed, but... fun things to come. Definitely check out the Discord for more info!

.:Watch here:.

For now, that's it. But art is being made over here. Or scribbles, whichever you wanna call it.

- Q




that annimation looks great so far :D wonderful job as always, Qal


These are marvelous and the animatic, adorable and awesome.

D. Stuart

Fun stuff! You rock, Ms Sqorl! Blessings!, Stu the batty


I love it! Were those Nick and Judy lines taken from films and shows Jason Bateman and Ginnifer Goodwin were in?

Isaiah Noels

Hi Qal. I have a question. I use Adobe Fresco for artwork. I'm not sure what tool you use, but what brush or brushes did you use to make your works?


Hi Isaiah! I personally don’t use Adobe programs to illustrate I used Clip Studio Paint and in that program I use a brush called “Potato” by Hyanna on GumRoad. If you ever get CSP, here’s the link to download the brush: https://hyan.gumroad.com/l/HappyPotatoPack 

 Hope that helps!


Uncle Nick looks to be a very fun story!