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Hi guys!

I hope the summer is still treating you well and that you're using a lot of sunscreen. I bought some fall candles from Yankee Candle though, so get ready 'cuz after Sept 22 you're gonna get inundated with fall art.

Here's an outline of what I'll be covering in this post. Each section has little art nuggets inside so don't you worry!

  • Character Sheet Comm
  • WIP: Wildehopps 2022 Calendar entry
  • Sketch Pages 
  • "The Question" animation project *NEW*

So let's jump right in!

Character Sheet Comm

Behold, my last character sheet comm - Detective Nolwazi by Camoss DarkFly! I had a lot of fun with her and while I'm not happy about how long it took, I feel like I really nailed down the look of the cats in the film. So the hiatus seemed to help! Scene comms are hard because I can't paint [yet], so I feel like I really shine when focusing only on characters. Your squirrel is always shooting for on-model characters. 

Camoss, I hope you like her!

My final comm is my first scene from AlpsSarsis' "Blue Guardian" series for Colonel. I'm hoping hiatus, and some painting classes on Youtube, will help me do this justice. Painting is really my weakest point. Here's the WIP below (stopped before hiatus):

WIP: Wildehopps 2022 Calendar entry

My entry for 2022's Wildehopps calendar is for February so I'm tasked with a Valentine's theme. The most romantic winter-esque scene I could think of was at a winter ski resort with some sort of soft warm heat + the cold bringing them closer together. I had made up a whole story around this setup like 2 years ago so it'll be nice to make art from that (I can't write to save my life). 

Before-hiatus WIP:

After-hiatus WIP:

I kinda like this one better though I might get rid of the table thing. The idea was that they were on the veranda of their ski resort room with the resort town in the bg. But I liked some of the other ideas I pulled for my ref page, so who knows were they'll be sitting by the end. I wish I could paint so I could make this look beautiful ;_;

Sketch Pages

Last weekend I spent most of Saturday dissecting the film sans audio to sharpen my attention-to-detail skills. Both for still drawings, but mainly because I really wanna learn animation. I focused on the Manchas scene only because there was more than enough body movement for me to study XD 

I had a lot of fun with this one, partly because of savage/ feral Manchas, but also to see Nick's reactions. Good session :>

"The Question" Animation Project

Surely two animation courses is more than enough to make a top-tier animator now, right? XD Absolutely not, but I wanna try and challenge myself. So I'm buckling down for my first animation project with the help Jasken, Lano and Team VoiceActs! Jasken made the "The Question" comic (below) about three years ago and I want to give animating it a shot. I know I've said that I wanted to animate other things in the past, but as a baby animator this is much easier since they barely move in his comic. Plus I've always liked it and would LOVE to see it animated! TVA already dubbed it way back then as well so I HAVE to do it! Cas (Judy) and Mick (Nick)  will be re-recording their lines with Lano reprising his role as the offscreen reporter. 

I'm gonna need everyone to go to your local wishing well and drop a penny in there for me bc this is gonna be the hardest thing I've ever attempted XD If things go well, we're gonna have a conversation about the future of my Patreon account (whether to transition to animations or not). Baby steps first!

And I've already started on keyframes so there's no going back now.

Aaaaand that's all, y'all!

We've got a lot cooking in the Cove, but I hope it's all good stuff! This week is hectic so no stream, but I'll be meticulously posting progress both so you can see and to help keep myself motivated. I'm really nervous about this, but it's time to try!

Until next time! :3



Like??? I love her!!! 😻😻. She’s gorgeous!! You’ve done her so well!! I can’t wait to see what’s next from you!!

Colonel Arbuckle

Awesome stuff here, Qal!! Nolwazi came out absolutely gorgeous, I love the idea of the resort town in the bg for the calendar piece, your analysis of the character movement in the sketches is fascinating, and I'm so stoked to see your first animated comic! Keep it up!!! You've got this!!


I love everything about your art. It’s so beautiful. So excited about all of the changes and opportunities in your life.


All very, very nice. Fun, dynamic, sweet. I see you haven't decided on Viv's face yet... I've always thought that Mitzubeate's version, Kira, actually has a really good face design (and hair, but let's ignore that for now). One look, and you can see in an instant, 'this thing created Nick' Regardless of what you choose, looking forward to see that GB piece done and dusted. Even if it's not how I always imagined it looking in my mind, one look at it and... Yeah! That it be (sob). Keep up the great work.


Thankie for the nuggies today Qal 💚😋 Lookin güd heading into the fall times in very excited by all this


Wow Qal you've got so much on the docket it's stressing me out XD, But you've got this and I can't wait to see it all come together! The commission for camoss came out beautiful and the ski resort idea is just so adorable! The Question was one of my favorite comics so I can't wait to see it come to life.


Oh wow, Cam's OC looks gorgeous. Love the work you've done to it. And it seems that you made extra effort on the hands and paws too. I wish the resolution could be higher. Also, it seems that you've kept yourself very busy. Our best fishes that you will be able to pull off that animation that you're working on 😮


Man, Jasken is one lucky fella to have you animating his comic. The keyframes alone look great :)