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"What did I do wrong, mom?"
I'm so sorry... I'm sorry that this is your struggle. That it's our struggle. Your father and I know what it's like, and we know it's not fair. I hate to think you'll carry this forever, hate to think things might never get better for you. And that it'll wear on you, change you and strip away who you are and everything you could be. 
I'm sorry there's no words we could've ever said to prepare you for this. But I'll be strong for you and hope that you'll be too, someday. Don't let the world get to you... like it has to me.
"Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing at all."

40 min Clip Studio sketch during a class.




*Bursts into tears* So beautiful! And heartbreaking! Camoss the Hugging cougar wants to hug the little fox!


Mama fox is best fox 😢

Colonel Arbuckle

;;;-;;; Poor Nicky! Aw, this is so sad, Qal! But you conveyed the emotion beautifully! The grief on his mother's face is so palpable. Hope your animation class went well today!


The real feels right now....


Very emotional. Very sad to see a mother cry especially from such a loss 🙁 Also, the way you drew Nick's mother, Nick does resemble her.


Right in the feels! Well done, Qalcove!


;-; I love this one

Philippa Taprogge

This is as beautiful as it is sad. You've masterfully captured what trauma is like.