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I never thought I'd be so excited to share my art with you guys, but here I am! The first 4 are gone and left in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service!

*insert worried Kermit gif here*

Apparently, the REST of the prints should be arriving today, so I know what I'll be doing today and tomorrow night! Really anxious to see what a shipment of...50 prints looks like XD.  Tomorrow's Wednesday stream will be cancelled so I can spend time trying to contact and collect invoices from everyone, and get as much stuff shipped out as possible this week. So exciting!

I hope everyone who ordered enjoys their prints, and if all goes well I'll do this all again in 2021!




Ooooh official sqorl stamp of approval!


That's right, they've got the SQORL stamp of authenticity so you know they're the real deal 8-)

Colonel Arbuckle

So excited, Qal!!! Can't wait to see them!!!

D. Stuart

Way cool! Got stuffs coming from you, stuffs from Tamberlane, gonna be a fluffy Christmas around here! Hope your shipment comes thru all ok! Stubat


And you get a free sqorl doodle as cherry on top 😮


Aw, that's awesome!