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Hey, guys! For all my US supporters, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving [holiday]! Despite this year being very troubling, there's still so much to be thankful for. I'm definitely thankful to have had a wonderful ride making and sharing art with you guys for as long as I have! There were many holidays I grew up with and missed because I was abroad that I was able to spend with you guys instead and I'm very grateful for that. Not to mention all the fun times we've had as well! While I don't know what the future has in store, I'm trying to live for now...and for NOW, I'm happy to just keep on arting!

Stream Schedule

I've actually been spending the last several days in Thanksgiving Land, spending virtual time with family and friends and just stepping away from art, which can sometimes feel like a part-time job. Today is my last day of Thanksgiving though, so I'll be resuming art on Wednesday especially since iiiiit's DECEMBER! So this week's schedule is Wed, Thurs, Fri from 9PM EST - around 11P. The weekend is tentative!


If there's one thing I've been focused on it's been getting these prints to you! I've received 50+ print orders and I'm just SO excited to give this whole thing a try! I should be receiving the prints on Friday, so my goal is to get them all shipped by Monday. Exciting! So I'll be touching base and sending invoices to everyone this week!

That's all for now! Let's try to end 2021 on a positive note!


Colonel Arbuckle

Glad you've been able to take a break, Qal! Looking forward to the streams! <3


Great to hear that you got some break time. Before we get to 2021, kicking 2020 out the door will be a welcome start.

Martin Nilsson

2021? Don't you mean 2020?


Glad you were able to have a break Qal, Hope you had a good thanksgiving/break. Looking forward to what's next!


Whopee 😀