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I hate drawing lineart with a burning passion. I have a ton of fun sketching, but when it's time to cleanup I will skirt around it for as long as I can. That's what I did while attempting Cas' model sheet. Draft looked good, but when it came time to "clean" it I wound up "doodling". 

Luckily Jasken, CasVoiceActs rode with me as I tried a new drawing method.

And I gotta say.

I LOVE the results. THIS is how I wanna draw!

It keeps the intention of my sketches -  which I think is 10x stronger than my lineart - while getting rid of my mess. I basically started with the rough sketch and just erased from there...no extra layers, no constantly making crisp lines, just...erasing. I like this result 100x more than what I've done before, even if it took a while for me to learn how to draw with my eraser. I'm gonna keep trying this method to see if I can be consistent so I can progress to drawing environments (backgrounds) and painting in more detail. Tankyu so much to Cas and Jasken for holding my hand as I tried this out.

I'm SO happy right now, we're making progress, guys! \;w;/




Invisible wall, invisible clothes. I got it. Nick is a mime 😮

D. Stuart

Looks great, Qal! Always great when you find a way to do something better.. And if it drops a step you don't like, way bonus! Hugs from da bat! Stubat


This is a good Nick. Nailed his expression. Sketch sculpting, I think some call it. Really nice work!

Colonel Arbuckle

That's so awesome, Qal!! So happy you've found a good technique that works for you!