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I do hope you guys are enjoying your weekends! We've got another commish-mish out the kitchen and delivered straight to Alex - thank you again, Alex! I really enjoyed drawing this girl! I'm realizing that there really is no such thing as a sketch commish with me anymore, so I'll have to redefine this particular style lol.

Ain't she a beauty?

I still have a ways to go, but I'm making my way through the orders. I've never had this many orders, but then again I never had a project manager, and the last time I did comms were on my iPad on the floor surrounded by moving boxes. So I have to say this is a big step up!

If I can work up the nerve to stream, I shall!

Take care, guys!




Oh wow, I like this one. She has a bubbly personality 😃

D. Stuart

A lovely feline! Cheerful sort, too. Always nice! Your streams are fun when I can pop into one! hope you're up to it soonish! God bless, take care, stay upbeat and covid-free! Hugs from da bat! stubat


What a marvelous looking character. You did a great job. Looking forward to your next stream. You can do it. :)


Dawww :3 She looks wonderful


I hope I can work up the nerve, too! Even a mute stream givems me the heebyjeebies sometimes (though after 20 mins I feel loose). But I'll let you know! THANK YOU STU and I hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

Colonel Arbuckle

Kitt looks like a wonderful young lady!! Beautiful work, Qal!!