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I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend.

I realize that you might be wondering why I’ve deactivated my accounts. The previous post didn’t reflect what was actually happening at the time, so tonight I’ll try to explain things honestly and concisely.

I hadn’t been feeling good for awhile due to work, life, career shifts, family, [another] recent death, schooling - just a mixed bag of factors. I was trying to fake it till I made it, but I was exceedingly low on morale and willpower. Things peaked last week though after I’d invited other POCs to reach out to me if they needed a safe space following recent events on Twitter. Thought it was only three users, and there was no exchange, these folks sent me a wall of disturbing, racially-charged text, a dox threat and a pic of my sona they’d shopped onto the late George Floyd. And that was enough for me.

I wasn’t concerned about keeping the accounts open since people repost art all the time, but with Patreon I felt I had an obligation to give Patrons time to archive what they wanted lest it got deleted, too. I was rushing to leave regardless, and while I was already worn out and and going through a lot, last week’s events made me feel alone and no longer welcome. Why I didn’t tell anyone was because I didn’t want to start trouble, and I didn’t think anyone would notice if I slipped away. So the post I rushed to make last week(?) was meant to further aid in not raising any suspicion that things had gone wrong. I just wanted to leave quietly and not start anything.

I hope this is a succinct explanation. Even though the last post was a ruse, I still don’t know if I’ll “return” or move on since...I don’t know. I honestly don’t. Anyway enough about me - it’s not like there aren’t many talented people in the fandom to get your fix from. I still invite you to consider supporting folks like Ribbontini, Relaxable, Gory and more - there are many great artists out there that could use your support 💜. I’m honestly baffled as to why I have more patrons now, not less. If you subscribed so you could read the previous post, just let me know and I’ll give you a full refund.

Hope you have a good evening. I’m on Discord sparingly should you need me. I’m sorry I don’t have any new art for you - I haven’t finished training Simone on how to draw yet.

- Qalcove



I'm really sorry to hear that you've had to go through so much as of late Qal, the internet can be an especially harmful place. I hope everything works out for you and regardless if you decide to "return" or not, just know that your patrons will be here to support you when you need it. Best wishes Qal


*sending hugs and brownies* I'm sorry you're feeling down, Qal. And I'm sorry you had that happen. I can understand how it feels. I have two ears if you ever need to talk to someone. *hugs*


Omg qal😟 that's sounds absolutely horrible and I'm sorry your have had to go through that. I hope this choice will make you feel better and forget about it and I am happy I got to support you your art is amazing and if you were to come back I would gladly support you again.


I am so sorry to hear about what happened. The internet has its cruel trolls but it can also bring wonderful and talented people together as well. As you say, there are many talented people in the fandom and while you seem to deny it to yourself you are most definitely in that group. Be assured, it is a place well earned by your talent, imagination and thoughtful consideration towards others. A presence that will be noticed and missed. Also, thank you for adding another adorable cat picture to the internet. There aren't enough of those. :)


Qal, I am truly appauled and deeply sorry for whay you had to go through. It honestly baffles me that people can be so horribly cruel. I can only assume those people you had the unfortunate luck to encounter in your tweet were sociopaths. I can't think of any other way to describe them. I wasn't kidding when I said you are a wonderful human being, and you are a GIFT to this fandom. PLEASE contact me on Discord if you need an ear to talk to, vent to, ask for unbiased advise, or a virtual shoulder to cry on. And if you need a woman to talk to as well, I know my good friend TheoreticallyEva would love to talk to you. Big hugs, stay safe, and know that we care for you.


I sure hope you feel better Qal. And know that the fandom cares for you, and that people won't forget if you slip away. But I understand if you feel like you have to take a break and maybe not come back, but if you do come back, we'll embrace you in open arms.


We were all worried about you. Even the ones who didn't get a chance to read the previous post, because it was set for patrons only. I am mad at those people who sent those disturbing and disgusting messages at you. It looks like that was the final straw that sends the mountain of stress collapsing and falling right on top of you. I get that, and we, as a community, are so sorry at what happened recently.


I really love your art……But I'm more about to wish you have a happy life. Hope you can get over al of these thing ,take care!


Finally remembered my login! Hi Qal! I want to *remind* you that you are worth it in this fandom. Your work brings smiles to many. Please don't convince yourself you're alone and don't matter. You will always be welcome in this community if you're willing to hang on. -Even if you just need a break here and there.


Qal I'm so sorry you're feeling down and that you've had those terrible things happen to you. It's absolutely disgusting that you opened yourself up if someone needed to talk and those three took advantage of it to hurt you. I'm completely serious when I say you are an amazing human being and hands down one of the nicest, most compassionate people I have ever met on the internet. Never once has your artwork failed to make me laugh or smile depending on the subject and I will always remember the night-time streams that always went late (Floofy Nick with a tiny Nick with a Stop sign stands out). You truly are an amazing artist Qal and just know that this community loves and supports you. The community has only grown and gotten better since you joined the fandom and whether or not you do decide to return, we will be right here to support you. Wishing you the best!

D. Stuart

Thank you very much for this update, Qal. I'm so sorry that you encountered such a pack of jerks and that it's been adding to your stresses. Do what you have to to be comfortable. Please know that many of us have had some of our burdens lightened by your delightful art and comics over these many months. You are loved and appreciated here. It's very sad that you are leaving us, but you need to keep yourself on an even keel, first and foremost. You've always been a bright spot in our fandom! My best to you, virtual hugs and real appreciation from this old bat! May your world get brighter and may you always enjoy your art abilities! God bless, prayers sent your way always. If you end up back in our woods, I'll be delighted to be a fan and patron again! Yours, Stu Be happy, be safe.


Reading this makes me hurt. It makes me angry. It disgusts me. You are 100% in the right to do what you have to do. I'll not pretend that losing you will not be a huge blow - you're much more of a presence than you think - but I 100% support you and wish you all the best in the future. If you decide to come back to the Zootopia fandom, I think I speak for all of us here when I say that you will be welcomed back with open arms. If you decide to move on permanently, I wish you all the best and all the luck.


Oh Qal... I am devastated to hear about what happened. I'm so sorry. The internet can be such a cruel and awful place at times, and sadly trolls and sociopaths have been rampant as of late because of the recent events. It's absolutely understandable that your mental health took a huge dive. I was so worried when I heard you deactivated everything, and nobody knew what was going on - I didn't know how to reach you.


Ack, I pressed enter too early ;; I just wanted to add that I am really so sorry that you were subjected to such cruelty. It's so incredibly unfair. I just hope that, whatever you end up choosing to do, I wish you the best of luck and all the success to accompany you on your path. You are so loved and appreciated. And Qal, if you ever need somebody to reach out to, you can feel free to reach out to me anytime at all. No pressure of course - the invitation is there for you. You're a kind soul who makes beautiful art and I really hope things start looking up for you. <3


Can't say we will not miss your kindness or amazing arts. From one artist to another, you have my full support. You don't even imagine what OceRydia and myself have gone through with psychos and assholes, but we have the luck to be two and to support one another directly. I would say dont let them get to you, but i know how hard it is. You are the best person to judge what is better for you, but be assure we will wait for your return with hope.


It's sad that you want to leave. I don't know the law very well but I'm sure that threats are illegal. What I don't understand is why they would attack you out of all people. I haven't seen any controversial content from you at all. Stay safe and I hope you feel better soon:)

Tiger Bonsu

well, some people just don’t know how to be nice and it is their problem


Qal, I am so sorry to hear that. Sadly there are just some empty people out there, who are so miserable that their only entertainment is to try to make others miserable, and don't think twice if they get the chance to kick someone who is already down. I wish you to know that everyone I know loves you and think that you and your art is a wonderful gift to the fandom, thought I know how easily that can feel overshadowed by a few mean-spirited individuals. I'm sorry for everything that you had to go through, its totally understandable if you need a break from everything. I know how that feels like. I hope that you will get better, however long it takes. We will await you back if you ever feel like you are ready.


I am just... shocked, why would somebody do that to YOU, to anyone to be honest, it's just horrible, You are always so kind and so good-hearted and you make wonderful art, some people are real assholes, also in my opinion You are really, really, REALLY BIG part of this fandom, I hope you'll feel better and I really hope that you'll come back some day, a lot of people will miss you including me. And for the end, remember that you are really an amazing person and that shouldn't happened to you, I am genuinely sad. *REALLY big hugs* Take care, and remember we all love you!


Oh boy, a real milestone in this fandom is throwing the towel, that is sad as fuck. I hope you feel better some day, maybe return. We will wait for you and your talents, you are a great artist, never let some idiot, who photoshopped your sona into something, pull you down.


Your a great artist and a fantastic person. Good on you for reaching out you did what you thought was right at the time. Unfortunately it was to the wrong people. That is the unfortunate thing about the internet people can pretend to be whatever it is they want with little to no consequences. Do not let the scum of humanity bring you down, keep being the fantastic person that you are. I love Little Things and hope you come back with even more fantastic art in it. If not I understand and will cherish the bit you have given us.

Stu Fox

Qalcove, is there any way to send you a private message? There's a couple of things you might want to know regarding this, but I'd rather not pollute your Patreon with it.


Life can be rough, I experienced it many times, but it's important to stay strong. I will really miss your art. Wish you all the best.

Colonel Arbuckle

Qal, I'm so sorry to hear you've been having such a rough go of it lately, and I am absolutely LIVID that someone had the gall to threaten you and send you such trash. You opened your heart to people who were hurting when you yourself were hurting, and they attacked you for it. I wish with all my heart that I could do something personally to ensure they receive justice, but I can only leave it in God's hands. There is no way you could possibly have slipped away without us noticing. You mean a great deal to so many people in this fandom, Qal, far more than I think you realize, and your absence will absolutely leave a hole that no one else can fill. And I'm not just referring to your art, as gorgeous and uplifting as it all is. Your kindness, your compassion, and your loving personality have always been one of the brightest spots in this fandom. As saddened as I am about your departure, I fully support you and your decision. You are too good for this world, Qal, and you have to take care of your own mental state first. I'm praying for you always, and please know that you can always reach me on Discord if you need a listening ear. I hope we can stay in touch, as it has been an absolute joy, privilege, and pleasure to have you for a friend. Please take care of yourself. *all the hugs*

Gerry McGrory

Very sorry you're going through a hard time. Hopefully you'll regain your self-esteem sometime soon, and if you are to take a break, be sure to enjoy every minute of it. I know I would if I were you. I'll still keep supporting you on Patreon, because if you ask me, you deserve it more than ever.

Tiger Bonsu

Also, Qal if you ever need to talk to someone, I will gladly listen I just want you to be happy my friend.


Sorry to hear walking trash have harassed you. As you know, rotting dogshit like that are vocal, but definitely a minority. Don't let the corpse rapists get you down.


Thank you so much for your kind words, Ren. You’re right - the internet can be very cruel, but if anything logging into Patreon for the first time in a week has shown me that there’s WAY more positively out there than I initially realized! THANK YOU, REN.


THANK YOU NITRO, for always sending positive vibes and for your support 💜. I’m happy to say the “break” has been helping me a LOT 💜.


I super appreciate the offer and super appreciate the sentiments. THANK YOU SO MUCH, BLANK-SLATE!💜


THANK YOU ALWAYS, LION 💜💜. You are 100% right (but not about the me being talented part lol). The internet has allowed me to meet some extremely talented and loving people like, including yourself. And that cannot be ignored. And you’re welcome. I think the world needs more cute animal pictures ✨.


CAMOSS... THANK YOU SO MUCH 💜. I really and truly appreciate your comment, and while I wouldn’t call myself a gift to anything, I’m glad that my presence could be a positive one and attract positive people, too <:,3. Hugs back, you take care, and keep being the compassionate person you are 💜💜!


THANK YOU, LAX. I’m sorry to make so many people worry - I didn’t think anyone would notice - especially not to this degree. I only hope that everyone is doing ok 💜


THANK YOU, ALEX KONRAD 💜. Today is my first day logging in to Patreon and Discord and I hit here first, so I will say to you here and on Discord [later] that I appreciate your sentiments greatly. I don’t yet know what the majority looks like since I’ve distanced myself, though I hope there’s not too many negative Nancy’s in these DMs. But I greatly appreciate your comments and the rest of the comments here on Patreon!


THANK YOU, HAMMY. You are worth it as well, and I hope you and your Discord community are doing well. 💕


I had to laugh when you brought up Floofy Nick with the tiny Nick and stop sign stream- much thanks for that much-needed laugh! THANK YOU SO MUCH, CODY. I’m just now wading through these Patreon comments and havent gotten through the Discord DMs yet, so I’m not sure where the community stands, but you don’t know how appreciative of people like you who’d take time out of their life to visit my streams and enjoy the art I made - eventually I wanted to make art for you guys and you were a driving source of my inspiration🌸! If after reading through all the DMs and comments I find that the community thinks I’ve caused too much trouble I’ll respect that and leave for good, but for now only time will tell. Regardless, I’ll always treasure what came of one bad fanart picture I drew in 2018!


I didn't know about your situation... Internet :( ... people in anonymity are capable of horrible things. I hope you will come back even if this kind of people will always be there... you have my full support.


THANK YOU ALWAYS FOR YOUR SUPPORT, STU 💜. I’m just trying to stay on level ground like you said, and not cause trouble. I’ve always been so happy to see you on streams and appreciate every visit! Thank you for always being a gem of a person and just an all-around nice guy to both everyone else as well as myself. Please take care and never stop being you!


THANK YOU SO MUCH, GIFTHECK. I really appreciate your comment and am slowly moving past it all. I’m just happy to know that there are great people out there like you who have - and still do - support me. 💜


Hi hi, Relaxable. I hope you’re doing well and hope that your summer is going well. I really appreciate you reaching out to me and... yeah it sucks... the whole month sucks (heck, the whole year sucks), but smoother waters are on the horizon. And don’t get me started with YOUR art - you deserve a ton more support than you have and I hope you’ve gotten more supporters now that I’m out of the way XD. I want you to succeed! You’re an awesome person with a big heart and so much potential! Don’t look up to me - look in the mirror and see the inspiration that is Relaxable <3


THANK YOU, ZIEGELZEIG. You are both lucky to have each other and I hope you’re doing fine these days. Things will get better, I’m sure of it. 💜


Hi there, Unogazzy. I hope you’re doing well. Dox threats are serious and that’s why I closed all my accounts. These individuals did not like knowing I was a person of colour, and I guess stating that was... controversial and triggering. Anyway, I hope you stay safe as well!


Your zoona is awesome ^^ I drew a little something in the hope of bringing you some sweetness. I would like to send it to you, if it's possible! ^^


I've never specifically been a subscriber or anything like that, but I've always had a smile brought to my face when seeing your art. I'm sad to see you go, specially at the hands of some folk like you explained. But I understand too, with everything else going on. I wish you the very best out there, and hope you still continue to do things you love and are passionate about, unhindered.


HI ROB, AND THANK YOU KINDLY. I really do appreciate your comment and you’re absolutely right, though at the time it seemed the “few” could’ve represented the many. I wish nothing but happiness to the good folks in the fandom included the very talented like yourself!


Hi there and THANK YOU - I really appreciate your compassion and really like your name 😊.


Thank you, Kraus 💜💜💜. I’m glad that I opened up in the end since I was still able to help a few people 😌. I appreciate your comment and am happy you liked my half-baked comic. Time will tell!


Thank you Jeueu, I really appreciate your comment and I hope you’re having a great day.


Thank you so much for your comments, Gerry. I’m definitely starting to feel better, and I think even though that situation sucked a lot of good has come from it. I really hope you’re doing well and I GREATLY appreciate your support!


Thank you Flynn, I really appreciate your comments. I'm really happy that my art could make you happy and hope that YOU are doing the things you love likewise :).


Colonel, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I'm moving past it all slowly, I just can't understand why anyone would do that unprovoked just because I said I'm not white. It's baffling, heartbreaking, and frankly quite stupid. I don't consider myself to be particularly important in the fandom - I just make art from time to time - but I won't lie and say that all of the support that I've seen just from Patreon doesn't give me hope that those jerks don't represent the majority of the Dom. And I failed to emphasize that up until that point 95% of everyone I've come in contact have been like you - nothing but nice and supportive even when I was a little baby squirrel making bb squirrel art <3. And for that I am truly grateful. Everything is up in the clouds at the moment, but I shall keep you posted here once I've made my decision. Thank you again and I hope you're having the best day, Col!


Hey Qal! Anthony Castello here! I am so incrediably sorry for what happened, no one should ever have to go through what you went through, everyone deserves equality and understanding, i please hope in the future, you come back some time, but if you dont feel comfortable, i respect your desicion, i enjoyed your art so very much, your an incrediably talented person, and a amazing one too. Anyways i hope your well, and i hope the absoulute best for you. Sincerley, Anthony Castello.


We are here because we love you and we care. There are other artists but all the artists you mentioned I follow so I can say I enjoy each one and each has their own style. You have your own style. There is no other you. My support is now and will be with you here. Please take the time you need to breath No matter what you draw we will love as you put your heart into your work. Above all Please be happy be well and know you are loved. Blessed Be