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G'morning, guys! Here are a few rough concepts of Officer Wilde from Eternal Flame featuring Zootopia's Finest, who was originally in uniform along with the others until I realized that it'd look really strange if a bunch of off-duty cops were wearing ZPA / ZPD tees. That wasn't thought about until I wrote the script.

Speaking of which, check out the script attached if you'd like! I've never written one before (I'll burn through a whole pack of sticky notes with drawings before I think write something), but it was eye-opening and fun to do! Keep in mind that this is version one, my initial idea for this concept that I concocted in my spare time at work. So I'm finally getting a chance to see it written and boarded out and I know for a fact that this will be red-lined several times before I settle.  Lots of things will be trashed when I see it doesn't work.

I was a little shy to stream this weekend, but I'm forcing myself to try and stream this week.  I have zero excuses now, so hold me accountable! Here are the few things I'm considering drawing:

  • EFFZF storyboards
  • EFFZF concept art for Judy / other officer's off-duty clothing
  • How to Draw: Nick (I've improved a lot since my last reference so this could be fun to share tips with others!)
  • Hopps N' Wilde - like Zoobound, HNW is a revamp of my previous series Ask Us where Judy and Nick are interviewed a series of questions from mammals in Zootopia, some of course being user-submitted!

Here's hoping I find the nerve! But in the meantime stay safe, keep washing and take care!



Don't worry about it. You've streamed before and it was fine. :) Besides, you need to give the fancy new equipment a proper test run.

Colonel Arbuckle

Ooo, I like these concepts for Nick's shirt and pants, Qal! The middle one looks especially snazzy! And I love "Canyon Echo" for the karaoke bar! Very clever! I do have a question regarding the script though. Towards the top of page three it reads in part, "NICK gives a little shoulder little making Judy chuckle incredulously at his overdone performance." Is there a typo in there somewhere? I'm not exactly sure what Nick is doing here other than he's hamming up the performance. Overall great stuff, Qal!! So glad to see this is still coming along! And I'd love to see any one of the subjects you suggested on a stream! Hope we get to watch the master at work soon! Keep being the awesome person and artist you are!


He's a natural :O.