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So it looks like we’re gonna go with the karaoke bar - thanks to those who voted! Your Twitter counterparts also seemed to agree with you guys since the results were just slightly in favor of the karaoke space. Sorry Colonel 😭. But I still wanted to share the dresses I’d made for Judy in the event that you all voted for the wedding reception! These bridesmaids dresses look a lot better than the one I gave her a few years back!

I may need to reach out to people for help with certain things like environments (second image/ potential final shot), audio and After Effects to achieve the look I’m envisioning. I’d love to share it with you guys - the drawings, the whole storyboard process in real-time- but since I switched to the Wacom/ laptop streaming has been very slow. And because of the virus’ affect on economy my PC build is taking a second to complete. But I’ll keep sharing what I have until then!

Be safe out there and PLEASE don’t hoard the toilet paper!




All the dresses look lovely, but my fav is a tie between #1 and #3. Can't wait to see what magic you can cook up for us! And blames Evee. She's the one hoarding all the TP.


Excluding the wedding night view on the right, I imagine this as Nick's view when he sees Judy and some of her sisters at the wedding.


My favorite dresses are 1 and 3.


Personally I like 1 & 4

D. Stuart

Hmmm. I like #1 best, but 6 would be second for me. The four-eared Judy's kinda neat, too..:) Good stuff lady squirrel! Stubat

Colonel Arbuckle

Aw, Qal, I'm sure the karaoke bar is going to look AMAZING!! I love these dresses though, especially #1 and #5! So stoked to see this!!!


I think I would go with #2 :3


Merci! I share your sentiments about #3! And the Charmin Queen must be brought to her knees.


It's SO interesting to see everyone's favorites out of this group!


Thank you Bat Man! And I'm personally glad you liked 6 - that one was the most fun to come up with ;3


A lot of you guys liked #1, it's insane! And I hope so, or I'll need to contact our friendly neighborhood SpiderJask for help!

D. Stuart

I don't know about #3. You do want at least _some_ eyes on the bride, no? I'm sticking with my choices... (I see the appeal of #4, but felt that, from judy's viewpoint, she'd feel way too confined by it's shape. As fast and bouncy as she's portrayed, likely to fall over, even...!) Lovely stuff, thanks for sharing, Qal. Definitely a fun boost to the days, with all the drama out there now... Cheerful stuff always a plus! Stay safe healthy and creative! God bless, Stubat

D. Stuart

Oh. And I'm sure that the Nickster would be looking forwards to lucky #7!!! Who needs lucky rabbit feets when ya's gots the whole rabbit!!! (Ok, ok. I'm leaving now. No need for the rotten tomatoes....) stu