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So quite a few things have been happening in our little treehouse and I finally have a minute to share! Most everyone knows that I really want to improve my artwork and get into animation, but that I use an iPad to make 99% of all my work. So the plan has always been to take a chance and get a computer + tablet setup to give myself a shot at learning real animation. The circumstances weren’t ideal, but I’ve expedited the time it took to upgrade and have purchased a new pc (which I’m unsure I’m keeping), an Intuos Pro (which didn’t work and got returned), and my real desire - a large desk tablet. I’m so sorry iPad Pro-chan.

To be clear, I don’t make anywhere near enough to flat-out get these upgrades. Most everything purchased was with the “help” of my late father, who knew how passionate I was about animation. All the patron pledges since December - and 20% of all funds since 2018 - were collected to help purchase these upgrades. I wish he could see it, and thank him. But I can thank you guys, and I really don’t know how much I can say it! Thank you all!

The tab is YUGE. You can kinda see the iPad in the bottom image and it’s just like...what was I thinking XD. I had a ton of issues between it being connected to my MacBook as well as it connected to the new Dell. MOSTLY because of Photoshop, which I’ve learned is NOT good for drawing for me. I wound up trial-versioning Clip Studio Paint last night and life got much easier illustration-wise. But because my entire workflow is based on Procreate it’s taking a while to get into the groove learning how to use a new program on a bigger screen. Streaming connected to the Wacom is also much easier than the iPad which is good news, too! Having a large screen may also help avoid RSI. Overall, I’m excited to give this a scholar’s try these next 15 days (BestBuy return policy)! NGL, I don’t feel like I deserve this particular product, which keeps me super humble... but I’ll try giving a serious thought about keeping it. I’m not entirely comfy yet and hate being taken away from my drawing time trying to get used to a new set-up...but I’ll try drawing a few Wildehopps pieces and ZPD boards on it. Gotta do it some time!

But an oversized baking sheet doesn’t magically make you a better artist. I’ve gotta earn the right to keep it, so I’ll be signing up for online courses to help improve. The original plan was to take a full-on 1.5 year animation course on CGMA or AnimationMentor, but I don’t think I can afford it ATM. But it’s ok! One step at a time! Long story short, I’m actively trying to invest in a potential future in animation and whether or not I get anywhere I’m really happy that so many of you guys have supported your neighborhood red squirrel! Thank you all so much for all of your constant support. Whether you’re a patron or a follower, I appreciate every ounce of support I’ve received from you all. Sending hugs to you all!

- Q



D. Stuart

Wow. That'sa biiig tablet for a little squirrel! Hope it works out as you're hoping! BTW, please take the time/effort to save your arts to a thumb drive or external drive. Backups are seriously important. Give me an address to shoot 'em to, and I'll send you a couple of USB 3.1 128GB thumbdrives. They're way cheap, now and it's horrible to lose stuff! Way cool arts, BTW!

Colonel Arbuckle

Holy cow, Qal!! That thing is GIGANTIC!!! I'm so glad you've finally been able to get a hold of one and I hope you decide to/are able to keep everything. I know it can be a little frustrating getting used to a new setup, but I'm sure it'll be worth it! Keep being da awesome red squirrel you are! *big hugs*




Super stoked for you! I'm not an artist, but I am a tool user, and I know how both painful and amazing large tool purchases can be! But when those tools help further our crafts, then it's all worth it. I really hope they do what You want them to, cuz that is pretty dang awesome! And please do take care of yourself in whatever way you need to. Anyways, congrats!


A new big tablet, PC and software. There is going to be a steep learning curve in getting things to work and accustomed to it all. It all looks great and I hope it works out.


You know, funny thing, I was just about to ask in curiouscat how the patreon contributions have helped you. I'm glad it's going somewhere :).


Wow so big. bet it will help getting more details in. Nice to see you have been able to get the equipment you always wanted.


I am happy that my humble Patreon support was able to help you with the new device. And now I expect an artwork of a little squirel drawing on a way to huge tablet :D (or at least a doodle :P )


Finally, a tablet that matches your talent.


That's very generous of you Stubat, thank you! But I have an external that I've purchased for just that reason :3. Once I start dabbling in animation I'll need more space so I prepared in advance! But thank you SOO much!


*big hugs back atcha*! The first box it came in made it seem like it was a full-on tv screen, I was about to drive back to Best Buy and return it prematurely XO. But after playing with it life got better and I've had a blast so far! If it winds up staying I hope a lot of good comes of it!


Thank you so much RckyPtrn! I feel like a novice driving a Ferrari, but I'll do my best with it!


Thank you InTheLionsDen, it'll take a while to get used to but it's an exciting adventure to have!


Just for transparency, since I like that, the majority of pledges have gone to tools, [digital] brushes, classes, and programs. Excluding the time between the move from Japan up to when I got a job last year. $12 usually goes to my monthly Chipotle burrito :3.


That's it! I can see so much better so it encourages me to focus more on details, which I will skip often. Thank you so much, Nitro!


Your support has gone to way more than just this - I've gotten hardware, online courses, and more with your "humble" support! The little things add up and I'm very humbled to have your support! And expect a doodle tomorrow!


Mattimeo....you're always too kind <:,3. Thank you so much!