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Temporary Account Freeze

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. 

I'll try to keep this short: I want to apologize for the delay and complete lack of contact. Unfortunately, I was informed last Wednesday that my father had passed away. Because of this, I'm now in the process of rushing to ship items, close accounts, and move out of my home in Japan within the next 2 days to move back to the U.S. and tend to my father's estate. As of now I've cancelled my cellphone service and home internet (within the next 24 hours), and I'll be making my way out of Japan starting Tuesday night (JST). I have 101 things I must attend to both before and after I arrive - as well as readjusting to both life in the U.S. and this unfortunate situation - so I will not be easy to reach for awhile.

I've tried to continue drawing since perhaps Friday, but I'm just not all the way there right now. I'm deeply sorry that I can't finish all the Judy ideas we came up within this month. Since I couldn't deliver, I'll be freezing this account so that you won't be billed this August.

I apologize for the inconvenience. Go buy yourself something nice!


About Commissions

If you've requested a COMM this month and I've OK'ed it I'll get to work when I can as per usual, though please understand that it may take a while longer to complete given the circumstances. 


Again, I really do apologize for the inconvenience. I try to remain professional so I felt it was important to give you all a heads up considering the fact that I just stopped uploading suddenly / haven't responded to your messages. You all support me in multiple ways and I want to make sure I'm giving you the respect you deserve. If I've done everything right, you should not expect to be billed on August 1st; if you've found you've been billed, please let me know ASAP so I can refund you. I don't want supporters paying when I'm not creating. I'll continue my Judys - albeit late - when I'm ready, but right now things are beyond difficult. But like my papi I'm adaptable, and I'll bounce back soon enough I'm sure! If you chose to stick around 'til then that's great, but if you'd like to move on that's fine too! 

Please take care of yourself this summer, be kind to others, and make sure to tell a loved one that you love them. I wholeheartedly hope you do the latter - it's more important than you realize. 

Love, Qal



I am so sorry for you loss, Qal Please take all the time you need.


*hugs Qalcove* I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Qal. Just know we all are here for you and anything you need, from someone to talk with, a shoulder to cry on or anything, just reach out whenever you need to. *hugs again* Take all the time you need to recover and feel better.


We understand of course and you don't have to be sorry. Oce and I are really sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself...

Colonel Arbuckle

I am so, so sorry to hear this, Qal. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. Please, please take all the time you need to work through this. We're all here for you now if you need anything at all (seriously, let us know if there's anything we can do to help) and we'll be here whenever you are able to/feel like drawing again. Please know that I will be praying for you and your family constantly. I wish I could be there in person to give you a hug, but this virtual one will have to do. *hugs*


I think I speak for everyone when I say that your private life comes first no matter what. Especially when something like this happens, I can just say that I'm deeply sorry for your loss and of course(without a question) take all the time you need.


Sorry about your loss and I completely understand that you are going to be very busy for a while. Thanks for letting us know.

Tiger Bonsu

I'm sorry for your loss Qal, take a big a break to recover from it. I'm always there for support. I'll see what I can do to provide any type of help


Qal there is nothing you need to apologise for, the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things you experience in life. I wish you all the best and hope for your well being.

D. Stuart

A big virtual hug and condolences on your loss. Hang in there! Take all the time you need to collect yourself and get back on an even keel. We'll be here with open arms when you come back! God bless, yours, Stubat


Oh wow... Terribly sorry to hear, Qal... I hope you feel better, and I wish you and yours the best. *hugz*