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Suggested by ColonelArbuckle! I chose to make her a fan of the Zootopia Zoomers (feel free to roast me for this name in the comments) and chose these colors from the official flag for the city of Zootopia. I myself come from a U.S. city that's VERY enthusiastic about its football team so I channeled that energy into this. What sports would Judy like I wonder?

Tracked time: 2hr 48m (way too slow... but it came out good!)

You guys came up with some cool ideas in the comment section! Thank you so much for that! I thought I'd put this little list out under all the future ones so we see everyone's ideas. We have:

  • Sports fan Judy by Colonel [DONE]
  • Judy trying to learn an instrument by Mattimeo
  • Judy and her pink reading glasses from Ask Us  by Mattimeo
  • Arts and crafts day at her elementary school by Mattimeo
  • Smiling during her first ride in a squad car by Cimar
  • Binkying after receiving her acceptance letter by Stubat
  • Judy the gymnast by Stubat
  • Judy in braces by Cimar
  • Judy the bride by Cimar
  • Judy the terrible cook by Reader
  • Judy training by Reader
  • Judy in the wrong movie by Crooked Glasses
  • Judy as a different species by Crooked Glasses
  • Judy in a different time period/ culture by Crooked Glasses
  •  Judy backstage during the making of “Zootopia” by Crooked Glasses
  • Judy drawn in an old Disney style (I REALLY like this one!) by Crooked Glasses
  • Judy meeting other Disney rabbits
  • Young Judy meeting Young Nick

With a list this long I don't have to think much now! Thanks so much everyone - I can't wait to see how this turns out!


Colonel Arbuckle

Outstanding work, Qal! She looks so passionate! I won't give you grief about the name, because I've struggled to come up with appropriate names for Zootopian sports teams too XD Looks like you've got a great line up for the next few weeks! Can't wait to see them all!


I think the name and colours are great. She probably would be an enthusiastic fan for any sport she liked.


I think it is a Football team... and I mean "Football"... the game you play with your feet :D (I won't call it Soccer)


Judy looks like she is ready to root for her team! :D Go ZOOMERS!!! WOOT WOOT!!!