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It's baby's first pool party! Bonnie has arranged a meetup with the other mommies so their babies can all splash around in the pool. It's also a special playdate for Baby Judy because today she's going to meet some new animals , including siblings Sharla & Gareth the sheep, and (my personal favorite) Bobby Catmull the cougar.

Tracked time: 54m 

[Sidenote: I had no idea the white sheep - Gareth - was related to Sharla. I didn't even know he had a name! ] 

[And never forget my boy Bobby!]



SHE IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!!! She looks so happy here for this first pool party!! ^_^ I hope she has fun with her new friends. ^_^

Colonel Arbuckle

Young Judy is so adorable here, Qal!! Great work! I didn't know Gareth had a name either!


cuteness overload! So adorable!!!