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Oh, hi there! How's your summer going? Hopefully you're out having fun, or avoiding the heat by staying IN and having fun! This post is overdue, but here we go!

Summer Commissions

I’ll be moving at the end of July, but I'd still like to open summer commissions at the end of July and get started at the end of the month/ the beginning of August. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot just let me know!


 Father's Day - W. Wilde

We spent a little time exploring Nick's father during the Father's Day stream and I have to say I REALLY enjoyed myself. His name? "William", for the moment. "Willie" is kind and optimistic fox who wants believes in the future of Zootopia despite his treatment as a fox. He's very calm, but can be easily excitable when he's talking about his hobbies, his son Nick, or while watching sports with his brothers. He's a very enthusiastic father, and very enamored with his wife and high school sweetheart. The aloha shirt Nick wears actually belongs to his father, which he bought on his honeymoon with Mrs. Wilde. Nick was given a tie as a baby while his father was running late to work and wound up carrying it around like a security blanket (Nick is Linus' zoosona). He HATES when his mother takes it away from him...to wash it.

I love the idea of "Willie" as he is now and hope to use him properly in a comic in the future!

Kii Catano (The ZPD)

We revisited the character Kii after her voice actress Eevee did a live recording of her lines this month and I love her so much more now! She's spunky (to a fault) and has a lot to learn, and a pleasure to conceptualize!

The little guy on the right is Luke the African Wild Dog. More in the future!

I have so many ideas for comics and animations, you guys don't even know the half of it. But between the move(s) and the ZPD I've got very little time to explore. But I'm hoping I can get back to it once the dust settles. I REALLY want to do animation and go to an online school for animation, but again... time. If I could wish for anything I'd wish for more time (and 5 copies of myself)! As for now though the ZPD is the main project we wanna share with you guys so stay tuned as we get closer to completion! 



Colonel Arbuckle

Qal, I can't tell you how much I LOVE your headcannons about Nick's dad!!! I could listen to you talk about them all day and if you ever find the time, I'd love to see you use him in a story/comic! Your drawings of him, Vivian, and little Nick are so sweet and beautiful! Evee is such a wonderful person and an amazing voice actress so I can definitely see why her reading got you so much more excited about Catano! I know I can't wait to see her and everyone else in The ZPD! And I definitely have a commission idea for you for next month! I'll be in touch with you about it soon! Praying everything is going smoothly with your move! I can certainly sympathize with you about wishing for more time! XD *hugs*