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This is in regards to my feral "Little Things" comic; if you follow me for my canon-based artwork feel free to disregard this (or weigh in if you'd like).

I'll make this simple and clean: I really want to delete all of Little Things' comic pages on DA, and I'd like to hear from anyone who might be against that idea or have an alternative solution. The current "storyline" is loose because it was created while I was sick and I just kept building off of it - I now call this version the "Madlibs" version. But while I love the idea of feral Judy and Nick, I don't like how their story begins, and haven't for a long time. 

I've been constructing and reconstructing LT a lot and want to tell a little story (once I'm done with commissions and the UP pipeline stabilizes) and continue making art for it, but I don't want the Madlibs version to be it's start. Would anyone be opposed if I took all the pages down to make room for the new one? I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter. 



Why not keeping the old comics in an extra folder on DA and starting with a new one all over? I think it would be too bad of those old comic book pages get lost. I think they have their charme. I would definitely like to see them stay somewhere. (^-^)


Ahhhh I didn't think of that.... to put it in a separate folder... That's a good idea! But I wonder if it'd be confusing to people having "two" LTs. The extra folder idea is still a good idea.


Unfortunately she's been suspended for so long BECAUSE it's been difficult to continue madlibbing ​the story when I want something better. Usually it's easier to completely bulldoze a building and make a new one than renovate the old one; I think MadLittleThings just needs that treatment so we can all continue with that story. Just to be clear: I DON'T want to stop Little Things - in all honesty I want the story in my head animated, I only want to stop the current version of it (where she starts off having met Nick under mysterious circumstances). Bridesmaid is pretty much done, and AU is easy enough to do. But LT is my baby lol; I can't continue with the other comics until I figure out what to do with this comic. But I'll take the seperate folder idea into major consideration! Thank you!


Just my two cents but I would call the old comics "Little Things - The Origins" and the new ones just "Little Things". There's nothing bad in starting over and recreating something. And I definitely would say it would be a big loss of art, if they disappear. (^-^)


Add another vote to keeping it, but maybe just sectioning it off to DA scraps. Story may not be the way you wanna move heading forward, but even having it around just for comparisons sake would


Well, if she wants to name it like this. Why not? (^-^)


If you are unsatisfied with how the story started/is progressing then of course you should revise it but I will add my voice to archiving the Little Things-original concept, not outright deleting them. There are some marvelously adorable scenes, it would be a shame to loose them.


This artwork looks so wonderful again, Qal :3

Colonel Arbuckle

The LT artwork you included with this is gorgeous, Qal!!! With regards to the old LT, I think the separate folder idea that has already been proposed would be a good idea. Another possibility would be to delete them, but give plenty of advance notice as to when you will delete them so that people (like myself) who would like to be able to save your cute little doodles to our computers can do so. Can't wait to see the new LT whenever you get to it!

D. Stuart

Lady Qal. Please consider keeping the original Little Things, with appropriate disclaimers and background, as a separate folder or such. Many of us fell in love with LT, the style, the characters and it would be a shame to lose that. It _is_ art, it is the fledging of the LT universe and it is history. No need to continue or 'cap' the storyline, just a simple note like you give us, and a tag to the new version. Please give it a place of honor in your past, a laugh or two about where it went and where it came from and build from it's bones. Every time I see a bit of LT, it brings a smile to my face. (My .02$ worth. And if you do decide to fry it, could you please build a ZIP file of the whole thing and let us download and save it ourselves? A Patreon perq?) Thanks for all the delightful bits you've created and shared. Yours, Stubat


For me an artist removing content is one of the biggest internet sins. At least make it accessible in some way.


Believe me, I couldn't stop LT even if I tried. XD


I'm the type that likes her files clean and un-confusing so I thought that having them exist might makes things... confusing lol. But perhaps if I clearly state in the folder itself that these are old files then it won't be as cluttered :-)


I'm so happy that there were scenes in there that were worth keeping alive ITLD!


Awww thank you, Colonel! It's just concept as you can tell from the top of the falls (unless there are indeed waterfalls with a squiggly fall-off point like that!), but I hope to build off of this in the future! As you, and Stuart mentioned below, saving them might be a very viable option as well. I'm honestly surprised that you guys thought enough of LT to actually comment on it to this extent!


I'm actually quite interested in hearing why you feel that way if you don't mind sharing, Ztpia. :)


If I do nix it, I will absolutely ZIP the files and put them somewhere accessible to those who want to see them. I'm just so happy that I'm not the only one who loves LT! Thank you so so much for giving me your opinion!


Just because the internet is nothing without content, and it seems to happen too often that an artist everyone loves suddenly deletes their devientart/twitter/tumbler out of the blue and all the works everyone loved are gone forever. An artist has control over their work of course, but it seems needlessly cruel to their fans