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I’m completely in love with these photos and this one that I accidentally programmed to post too soon; I think it’s one of the best looks I ever did for Cocoa! 💖And this hair... I don’t need to say it is asking for some accessories and I can’t say no!

I was in need of a break from doing hair updates so I did a new hair! hahahaha
But seriously, it was amazing doing this break and do something more creative instead of technical/mechanical such as importing files, add tags, test and etc.

I hope you guys like this hair as much I’m liking it.

I’m so proud of how this turned out, I was looking to the new meshes from the last GP and the idea of this hair came thru my mind, and it looks so amazing! Principally in this white blond swatch!
Also, I’m proud of how quickly I have done this hair’s main part (still some work to do) and how it have less polygons than I expected, at the moment it’s with 5.444 polygons.

This hair will come with 52 swatch colors, 24 from EA Colors Palette and 27 from mine Candy Color Palette.

Some examples in EA Color Palette:

As usual it will be base game compatible, I didn’t have done the hat part yet, but I’ll try to do hat compatible. Also, this hair is made for female frame.

As I mention before I’m really in the mood of doing some accessories for this hair, and the first thing that comes thru my mind was COLOR ACCS!

I’m already trying to do an ombre, a duotone and also a front strand recolor accs.
Hopefully all these accessories will work, will be a huge and complex work to make these loose strands fit in all the accessories, seriously, the hair was easy, but these strands are trying to drive me crazy. hahahha

Unfortunately, at the moment I’m writing it I didn't have finished enough the textures of the accs for having a photo to show... But I’m already working on it; probably it will require a considerable time and work for the done, as my ideas are complex to do together and I want to do a very smooth transition in the duotone, similar as I did in my “Emotional Hair” ... And talking about this hair came thru my mind that today is the day for update it, probably if everything works well in a few hours I’ll start to release some updates.

Back to the hair, unfortunately this time the wait will be a lil bit longer than usual (as I’m also updating all my hairs).
For avoiding me being very stressed about not delaying the release date this time I’ll not put a date, seriously, I want to have all the necessary time for doing this hair.
If I see will pass too much time without new custom content, I’ll do another item, post and them come back working in the hair.

* Also keep in mind that it’s a wip post, the hair may change a bit during the process of finishing it. *

So, I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that today’s hairs don't take so much time and I at least start the accessories. 
If I have more news about this hair, I’ll edit this post, add all the info to it and notify patrons!

See you guys soon with some updated hairs, XOXO <33




ahhhh I love this so much! well done! &lt;3


Mais uma vez você criou um cabelo realmente lindo! Você se sai muito bem mostrando sua criatividade. Ansioso pelo seu lançamento. Certifique-se de que você está descansando. Você não precisa atualizar todos os fios de cabelo tão rapidamente. Você já fez tantos. Abraços à sua família. Fique seguro.

Allison Leighty

I can't wait! I'm so excited!!!! :D


Muito obrigada! &lt;3 Fico muito feliz que tenha gostado, espero que também goste de jogar com este cabelo. Eu espero que não demore muito para termina-lo, mas pelo que eu percebi fazer um cabelo com três acessórios de cores enquanto atualizo todos os meus cabelos pode dar muito trabalho hahaha então talvez eu vá postar outro item antes deste cabelo para que não passe muito tempo sem conteúdo customizado novo. Pra ser sincera, eu não estou tendo muito tempo para descansar então provavelmente amanhã ou no sábado eu vou fazer uma pausa; não só por causa dessa atualização enorme, mas por que meu filho está querendo um pouco da minha atenção; eu normalmente brinco com ele todo dia e desde que comecei a atualizar os cabelos eu estou to brincando pouco com ele, por que além de sobrar pouco tempo acabo cansada no final dia, então pensei em tirar um dia pra poder brincar com ele e descansar um pouco também hahaha Assim que eu decidir um dia devo avisar aqui e no Tumblr, para que ninguém fique esperando atualizações à toa. Obrigada por se preocupar comigo. Abraços, fique seguro também! &lt;3


I'm happy that you liked dear, hopefully soon I'll have photos of the accessories. &lt;3 PS: I'm in love with the front strand acc, I'm SO anxious to show for you guys! :D


I think this will be my favorite hair to use!!! :D


Oh dear, I'm so happy that you liked this hair &lt;33 PS: In the moment it is my fav hair hahaha, you guys didn't see (wasn't showing in the photos) but in my "Britney Boots" one of the sims was with this hair. &lt;3