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As everyone knows The Sims 4 has been updated and now have more 6 colors for hairs, making all the hairs made before the new patch "outdated".
All my hairs still working perfectly, only doesn't have the new colors, which is a very good news.

I also know that probably most part of you guys wants me to update all my hairs, and I'll do it; but it's a lot of hairs, by now there's more 100 hairs posted already (at least 600 textures for do and import 😱) and some of them have the broken link issue (only on Tumblr) ... So, it's a lot of updates I need to do + I don't want to stop posting new content.

For solve this problem my idea is by now I will only update the newest hairs (at least the ones published on May, it will depend of how complex will be to update each hair) and them in my free time update one by one following the popularity or the release date (from the newest to the oldest).
In the case of the hairs that are in the broken links issue's list I'm still studying my options of how to update them; option 1, fix they all together and them the links or option 2, fix the links first and them update one by one and reblog the master post for notify which ones have been updated.
I didn't decide yet which option will work better for everyone, maybe I'll do a poll about it. 🤔

Sorry for not giving a more consistent resolution for this issue, and just don't wanted to let you guys without any position about the hair's updates but also, I still having decided all yet.

I hope it's ok for everyone and I promise that I'll try my best for update the hairs and the broken links as soon as possible. 🤞

When I have any new info about the update, I'll edit this post and send notifications.
Same goes to the newest hairs, when I update them, I'll reblog each one's post on Tumblr and send notifications for patrons. 😁



I don't really know how to recolor hair, but I know my way around photoshop and sims4studio and I'm a quick learner so if you need any help I'm happy to help!


Awn honey, that's so kind! 💖 Well, by now I'll not be able to release the updates, Sims 4 Studio haven't updated yet; which can cause a small issue in the item that the new colors will mismatch in generated sims (which includes newborn sims); so, I'll have to wait they update the program for do and release the updated .packages (I'm saying too much the word update?! hahaha) and in the same time will give me some time for do the textures of a lot of hairs hahaha and also, I know there's probably a creator working in a action for do it quicker so it may help me in the future. But of course, if I need, I'll message you. And really thanks, I feel very grateful for your offer to help. 💖


You're so quick to update! Appreciate your work and please do not feel the pressure I'm sure your patrons will understand. You put out so much content for such an affordable price, seems unreasonable to expect you to update all of them so quickly. Thank you for thinking of your patrons always ^_^


Thank you so much dear! I'm so glad to know you appreciate my work honey, every time I receive such a supportive comment I see how lucky I'm for having the patrons/followers I have. 💖 I wish I could finish it sooner, but unfortunately it's taking much time than I expected. 😞 You guys support and help me a lot and I'm very grateful for it, so the minimum I can do is always think in you! 💖💖💖💖💖