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Well the year is almost over and I think this year is impossible to be better, you guys gave me the best year I had in my life.πŸ’–

I never thought I would find so much amazing people in internet or in my life at all, I grow up seeing people as something bag, as something you can't trust (I had a lot of bad experience with people in my life), but now I see that not everyone is bad or wanna hurt me, in this last year I see how people can be awesome and lovely, how still having people who care about others and if possible help.

You guys show me all days that I'm not a piece of trash, that I can be creative and there's people around the world that enjoy what I do, that cares about me and if I'm fine.

I wanna say thanks for every single one of you guys, thank you for everything you guys gave to me, for makes me feel better and for all the help you gave me; it really means a lot for me and I'm really grateful for have the lucky of have you in my life. πŸ’–

When I say I love you all very very very much it's the truth, for me you guys are part of my family, the family I never had, one that have a lot of love, happiness and support. πŸ’–

Sorry for this long text and for being so emotional, I'm not the kind of person who talks much about feelings (or talks at all) but idk why I'm feeling pretty emotional in the last few days and I feel that it's needed to be said. 

I feel very ashamed and nervous when I talk about my feeling so if this text is kinda confunsing or poorly write I'm sorry, my head won't works fine when I'm nervous. 

I hope you guys have a amazing 2020, full of love, happiness and everything your hearts desires. See you guys in the next year! XOXOπŸ’–



Robin Feagan

We all love you too. I wish you a blessed new year and that the 20’s turn out to be a wonderful time for you as well.


I'm glad you're comfortable enough to talk about things. It's true that there are good people out there, even though sometimes they're not easy to find. Looking forward to everything that 2020 brings for you!! <3


I hope that you have a beautiful year, for a beautiful person.

Kristie P.

You are such a sweet person! I'm so happy that you found people who will show you that!! Wishing you a wonderful year.