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Dear all,

I make this post so I can be aware of your disappointments regarding this page!

Fortunately, most of you have stayed and seem satisfied with my work and general effort. But some of you may need to be listened! I know I can not satisfy everyone but I am willing to try!

Please let me know your complaints, your frustration and even your anger (I trust you that you will keep it kind~ after all we are all royals) regarding my Patreon page as well as my creations.

I would love to know what you want me to change so I can be better!

Dear Patrons it is your time to help me be a better creator!




The only thing I can think of is that the hair you have don't come in all of the sims hair colors. Otherwise I am happy! I love your dresses the most :)


Yes that's true... At first I made them for personal use and then people started asking flr them.... I never thought about it! Thank you for mentioning it😊🥰😊🥰🥰😊


Hello Karie 💞 I hope you're doing well! First of all, your job is amazing! I want to thank you for your effort. I don't have much to say because your creations are unique and beautiful and you always answer our questions and desires. The only thing is that the latest dresses you've created look big on the game and they make the sultanas look bigger and kind of plump :( but apart from that I have no complaints


PS: I'm just talking about Hurrem cyan dress, Hurrem purple dress, Hurrem red dress with kaftan and Kosem bordo dress. The rest are more than perfect 😊


I do not really understand what do you mean? I try to make them realistic so I indeed add more layers but when you add the layers the size will increase, But I did not add same layers in the dresses you mentioned.. I am not really sure I understand, I think. But I will explain this way. When you wear a single dress your body will show its figure... but when you add a cardigan or a jacket then you will look slightly bigger... Also the Bordo dress need to have volume otherwise it would look poor... but I did not added extra layers in the upper part of this spesific dress.. so I am really not sure what you are talking about.


Thanks for explaining that to me! Now I totally get it 😊 I'll try to decrease their body shape by using the game sliders


I think you will like the new Mahidevran dress though. It is slim fit. I am sorry you are somewhat disappointing in certain part of my work.