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Maybe you've got some beef...or a chip on your shoulder...a grudge you want to settle...or just a villainess that could really benefit from a character readjustment in the form of a fist.

This bundle's got you covered...most likely in sweat and blood.

95 morphs - impacts, swelling, and even the body morph you see in the promo
262 poses - 131 unique poses with mirrors to make sure you get that perfect fight
6 props - rigged and/or morphing fluid props to really get the perfect impact
4 materials - sweat, blood, and two others for those with more particular interests
Plus a whole slew of zeroing presets, snap-to presets, and even a few hand poses to get back to the action with fewer clicks

So what're you waiting for? Surely you already downloaded my Kombat Pit setting...now go put it to use!




Very nice, tyvm man.


just amazing! thank you so much.


i know you work only with Females, but i have to ask, is there any chance of tranferring the morphs over to males?


Sorry for the lateness of this reply! I don't often check the comments on this Patreon I'm afraid. =( For future reference, the best way to contact me is via email: squarepeg3d@gmail.com That out of the way, that *could* be a thing I'll do if I can work up the desire. Morph transfers are **very** tedious work, I'm afraid. =(


This is such a nice set and soooo useful. These poses saved me a lot of time. I think I have at least 3 renders that use poses from this set. I can link it here if you like, but its all naked men :D


There is the good old ''Suck It & See'' method, try the poses anyway


i may see if morph transfer works - "f around and find out"