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I was needing some face masks for some pose promos (coming very soon after this!) and was amazed that resources like this didn't really exist for G8F anywhere I looked.

So here's two basic face coverings for G8F's when they're trying to be sneaky and go incognito!

The stocking one comes pre-loaded with a black color scheme, but you can simply change some of your color bars to different colors or use your favorite hair reshader without too many problems.

Also note that eyelashes will clip through the stocking mesh, so you may need to find some eyelashes that include length or curl morphs to get them under control or just employ some creative image editing after rendering. I would have provided some, but due to so many eyelash options being available to G8F it would've been impossible to cover all bases.

This pack also includes a morph for G8F that pins the ears closer to the head, and the morph auto-applies when applying either of the masks.



Gray Metal Fox

"So I start my mission, leave my residence Thinkin' "How could I get some dead presidents?" I need money, I used to be a stick-up kid So I think of all the devious things I did I used to roll up, "This is a hold up, ain't nothin' funny Stop smilin', be still, don't nothin' move but the money" Sorry, flashbacks...thanks!


Brilliant! Extremely useful. I was looking for something like this only the other day.