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  • leahpreview2.mp4



hey hey. here's the second (and likely the final) animated preview for this project. there's still a handful of things i've got left to do (hair, tails, aak's face, spunk effects, physics) - but the bulk of the work is finished!
this one has been a bit more of a challenge to get right than I thought it'd be - so i hope you guys don't mind that i've been taking a lil bit more time with this one (don't mind the abrupt ending, there's meant to be much more movement in that last part but some keyframes got screwed up - so that's also on my list of things that need to be fixed before rendering it. like i said, it's been a bit more of a challenge than i anticipated).

also its probably obvious but the lighting in this version is not the actual lighting that'll be present in the final one, it's just some basic stuff so i could render it in a fairly short time. there's also no subdivision enabled on the models, so any visible clipping/roughness won't be there in the final version.

i can't say exactly how much longer this one will take me, but it definitely shouldn't be much longer - so thank you so much for your patience in the meantime!
i may work on the preview shot for the next animation (featuring whoever seems to be most likely to win the poll) whenever i'm taking little breaks on this one - since i would like to be able to get that ready as well by the time the poll ends.

bit of an all-over-the-place entry, so apologies if anything is a bit hard to follow (my brain is absolutely fried from troubleshooting the keyframe stuff today)



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