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  • animprevleahaak.mp4



back again (i sincerely hope i'm not spamming your notifications/emails with these bi-daily posts. i'd turn off notifications for some of them, but i know there are people who'd like to be notified, so i like to leave the option open)
ALSO i am planning the next character poll on the side - i'm hoping to have that prepared later today so i can let it run whilst continuing my work on this. so get those voting fingers ready (or whatever appendage you use to vote, i don't discriminate)

anyway, that being said, the first animated WIP preview for this is attached. as before, this is rendered in 720p without the background enabled for the sake of speed (and disk space, which is beginning to dwindle). the lighting and model smoothing modifiers are also turned off because otherwise, the render for this would've taken like 6 hours (so disregard any visible clipping or roughness, that'll be fixed in the final version)

i'm actually feeling pretty happy with how this has been going so far! i've taken a bit more time to work on inbetween poses and pacing and i reckon it's worked out (there IS a bit of unintended jerkiness with some of the movements (mainly in the head) which i didn't notice till rendering it, so i'll be fixing that)
right now the animation is about 60% done, maybe a bit more. im expecting to have the rest of the animating finished in the next couple of days and prepared for rendering. of course, stuff like faces and such still need to be animated as well, but as usual, i prefer doing that once the main action is finished

i'll be back in a bit with that aforementioned poll, so i'll see you then :]



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