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hey, apologies for the slight delay in posting - i just needed another day to rest from the previous animation! but with that being said, here's a render of the next character to be animated: WarfareMachine's Sybil model - and boy, have i been looking forward to this one. i'm still deciding on a pose for her, so i'll probably have the wip shot of that ready to upload here later today (or possibly set up a poll to give you guys a chance to help pick one of multiple poses to focus on, if I happen to end up with multiple ones)

as for the blender info, i'll just stick to the most important bits:

-i slightly overestimated my abilities to animate in blender - so i'm gonna take a little bit more time to practice working with it before jumping right in

-i'd like to be able to make the jump to blender after the next SFM animation (which will be featuring sybil, as mentioned above)

anyways, that's pretty much the scoop for now. keep your eyes peeled throughout today for the w.i.p shot (or poll - which, again, depends on how much i end up getting done today)
thanks for the patience and support as always :]




Best of luck for moving into blender, given a bit of time you should have no trouble getting a feel for it