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  • rtlprevrough.mp4



i felt like putting out another preview, though i will admit - it's still heavily a work-in-progress, so mind the roughness. it's more or less just the blocking of the movement without any easing or transition frames, so it won't be anywhere near this jumpy in the final version. the blocking is usually the most time-consuming part (especially since i opt to do the majority of them manually rather than copying and pasting), so the rest of the animation shouldn't take awfully long.

also i thought this could be an interesting variant to make (just a rough concept). not sure if i'll actually decide to do it since it would likely add a lot of work to the project - but i thought i might as well share it anyways

hopefully, this gives you an idea of what i'm going for and my process! i'll be putting up another animation preview either tomorrow or the next day which should hopefully be much more animated. till then, thanks for the support and patience - see you again soon.




also regarding the flickering textures on cerberus - i genuinely have no idea what is causing that. im hoping it's something that won't show up in the final render - but im also not gonna hold my breath. if anyone does happen to know what is going on with that, feel free to let me know how/if i might be able to fix it