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  • WIP1 SCP-1471.mp4



Figured it wouldn't hurt to put out an actual video preview of my current project in focus. It's a direct screen recording rather than a render, so the quality isn't 100% and it doesn't include any post-processing, background or audio (yet) - but hopefully, it gives you an idea of what I'm doing :)

There's not a whole lot to show at the moment and what is present could use a bit of work - the bulk of the time spent so far has been on tiny adjustments being made to ensure there's as little clipping as possible and to avoid any movement that's too jerky or sudden. Working with new models is always a learning process, but it's rewarding enough once I get the hang of it.

Although the main loop for this is essentially done, I do want to polish it up a bit and make it flow better. I also plan to include an ending/climax bit to wrap up the sequence. I'll post a preview of that once it's ready, shouldn't take me long. Thanks for the patience in the meantime!


(No title)



just realized i had the wrong size jumpsuit on her lmao, will be sure to fix that before the final render