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So guys there will be no 'Extra workout animated' and any such things further.
I'll post pack of animations and that's all.
Any other comics will get same thing, just bunch of animations.

The main reasons for that is:
- I waste too much time for that
- Voice actresses can't say regular lines without making me cringe

After release of current comic I'll spend one month to make random animations for Good manners.



That's fine with me just do what makes you happy 😊.

Tom Tomm

Sad to hear, animated content is the most interesting part of 3D adult content to me. But i'll keep supporting you regardless !


I would totally be fine with animated content without voiceover or hell even with text bubbles like comics. Your animations are amazing! But I definitely won't complain either way as I also love your comics!


Im cool with that i love your comics more then anything i dont need animation


lol I want to hear how bad it is tho


well its not like i started supporting in the hopes youd break into the animation or game department later on, if this means more comics faster then hell yeah, and as far as voice acting goes, should have limited it to sex noises and have the actual lines as text instead, something that not enough animators do and end up with cringy spoken lines instead.


You won't hear any complaints from me. You do what you see best. I always preferred your comics anyway. The animation clips were a nice extra, a delightful treat if you may.


Depends on how good the voice actress is and how well written the script is too. Having them try out first is the best way too decide who best fits the roles.


That's fine 😁, I joined up for your comics not just for your animation. The animation is just a bonus. Looking forward to the next comic. 👍🏼


That makes sense to me. Animations take a lot of time and resources. I don’t think they’re worth it unless you want to go all in on them, making them your priority. I think comics are the best balance of time and value for everyone involved.

Michael Cotellessa

That is the best thing, I hate animation just do the comic with text much better most of the other creators are doing the text only and its easier to follow keep up the good work enjoy the comic do more principal & Alison and her mother its getting to be a good series


Sounds good to me. I didn't mind the animations, but I much prefer the new content of more comics. The animations took to long and really slowed down new content.


Great decision!


I preferred the comics to begin with though some of the animations are super hot also.


Miki3DX used some animations in the Experiment comics by interspersing short animations with the normal comic pages. So sometimes there is an animation to visualize the comic and make it come to life. Would you be interested in trying something like that?


Sounds good, I preferred the regular comics anyway, just do whatever works best for you!


what exactly didn't you like about the voicing? So comics will get a few animated cutscenes, will there be full animations?


A bit sad to hear this, but honestly I liked new comics more then animated old ones. I do love your animations though.


Honestly, I was looking forward to seeing this one animated. It sucks this one can't be finished.


Great news. Working on animations and video overal is time consuming and does not add any value. Your basic comics are awesome and so re-readable<3 Date with principle is just something diamond! More good stories please and take care:)


Bro i’m just here to beat. what ever is getting comics out faster is good by me.


Yeah, same. I generally prefer normal comics to animated because of faster turnaround, but if we were gonna get animated content, I really would have liked to see Extra Workout done. It's probably my favorite.


Any idea when the new comic is gonna drop? No pressure, just curious about the timeframe.

Dany Casavant

it's sad the animation looked really good but I understand your point of view


Your characters and story development is great work. I'm happy for you to focus on what inspires you the most. So much there to expand on from the intriguing characters and interactions you've already put out there!

John Smith

Bummer, but hopefully it just means the regular comics come out faster. Great work so far overall.


I respect that. You still have our support