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Hey all! This is the first of my monthly wrap-ups. This month, I completed 3 sequences, and brought a 4th to the ink stage. My personal goal is to produce 4-6 pieces a month, if not more. In this regard, I hit below my goal, though this month was exceptional due to some surgery and a visit to my parents that ate up some of my time. That being said, there is nothing happening in june, assuming nothing unexpected happens. 

I have begun attempting to stream 5 days a week, and want to continue to do this. My daily goal has been to finish sketching something, or to ink something, or to color something. I would like to increase my hours of work in the future, but my main goal is to not lose momentum, and finish at least one of those goals during a work day. Each piece I make should only take 3 days assuming I follow this schedule. You should expect 5-7 pieces a month if I keep this schedule up. Like I said, hopefully more, but being consistent for now is my main goal, vs overexerting myself and burning out.

Goals for June: 5-7 comics/sequences, new updates for my CYOA, start working on some form of pay content. I would also like to do some kind of poll or similar thing that $5 tier votes on. More than anything, I am trying to be more consistent, and structure my work more. May was weird for many reasons. June should be a more stable and... "Usual" month. 

With all of that, I have posted the work I have completed below. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, leave me a comment and let me know! Let's work hard for June.



Definitely a very productive month for sure!