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Hello! So here are some updates on what is going on with me, the pareon and art.

The ice queen poll animation is getting close to being done storyboard wise, and I will post the WIP soon. I have a bad habit of sort of overshooting my abilities, so its taking longer than expected, but there should absolutely be an update on that in the next week.

The blooper power crown piece will hopefully done before the end of February but I am not sure. Ultimately, the polls tend to be more work than I expect, and I don't want to over-promise anymore, but that one should be a lot simpler than the ice queen one.

In terms of my other projects, I am going to try shifting a bit. More comms are coming soon, and I intend to start posting a lot more sort of doodles and sketches. I am going to experiment a lot more with item sales for pinups and sequences. I also still have a half finished pay comic I want to get done. To be transparent, general sequence commissions have been doing relatively mediocre, so I very much am exploring possibilities to drum up interest.

The new poll should be up on the first! I am also considering some kind of benefit with commissions either being prioritized for some tier of patron, or have there be some kind of deal on them for higher level patrons. Still thinking on it. Anyways, hope that was informative! Thanks for helping me do what I do!




heres hopin everything goes well! thanks for bein transparent