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On april 1st (this is not an april fools joke, I am really doing this), I will be changing the tiers to offer a bit more! the $5 tier members will now get 2% off any commissions, and there will be a new $10 tier that receives 5% off. In addition, I was thinking of changing the stream sale tier to a monthly tier where you can 1 flat color step of a sequence each month for a total of 3 (or maybe 5) steps. Basically you'd receive all the lower  tier benefits but also slowly receive a sequence! It was based off a suggestion I got from one of my followers.

I am just trying stuff out, I want to improve my patreon, and there will be even more benefits once I have more time to work on more exclusive stuff (that's coming soon, I promise. Probably this summer?)

Whether you are a current patron or just someone following the patron as a free member, i'd love feedback or even suggestions for what you'd like to see! Please leave a comment!


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