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Dear friends, today is a very special day for us, since right now we are premiering here on Patreon the longest movie we have ever made!

THE SENSE OF LIFE Ep138, with a duration of one hour, takes place while we sail for several days in the open sea, and we wanted to give this film the calm, the slow pace that is breathed on board a sailboat and the space for reflection that we feel by being in contact with nature.

On Patreon you are making it possible for us to fulfill our dream of sailing the Mediterranean, but also for the fact that we can produce these films.

It is a project that we are doing together, and we like to know your opinion, whether it is favorable or if we make a mistake.

You can activate the subtitles in English or Spanish, and we are still finishing the subtitles in French and Italian, we will incorporate them as soon as they are ready.

Thank you very much for making it possible!!!!

Noemi & Josep


Queriidos amigos, hoy es un dia muy especial para nosotros, ya que justo ahora estrenamos aqui en Patreon la pelicula mas larga que hemos hecho nunca!

THE SENSE OF LIFE Ep138, con una hora de duracion, transcurre mientras navegamos por varios dias en mar abierto, y hemos querido darle ha esta pelicula la calma, el tempo pausado que se respira a bordo de un velero y el espacio de reflexion que sentimos al estar en contacto con la naturaleza. 

En Patreon estais haciendo posible que podamos cumplir nuestro sueño de navegar por el Mediterraneo, pero tambien al hecho de que podamos producir estas peliculas.

Es un proyecto que estamos haciendo juntos, y nos gusta saber vuestra opinion, tanto si es favorable como si cometemos algun error.

Podeis activar los subtitulos en Ingles o Español, y estamos todavia terminando los subtitulos en Frances e Italiano, los incorporaremos enseguida que esten listos.

Muchas gracias por hacerlo posible!!!!

Noemi y Josep


THE SENSE OF LIFE Ep138 · Full Movie



The Mediterranean is not always blue, but having the freedom and time to take advantage of favorable weather, you can have experiences like the ones you reflect and share in this magnificent video, different from what can be seen from other creators.


beautiful film and compliments told very well, you showed magnificent and relaxing places with unique plots I would say an excellent story... congratulations to the director but many compliments go to the owner, sailor, cabin boy, chef, I would say an all-rounder and protagonist of your beautiful film of the boat the beautiful Noemi

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

At sea we are at the mercy of the weather perhaps like nowhere else on the planet. Currently we have very good weather forecasts to which we adapt the route, but it is certainly important to have time. This past season we had to spend a full week in port due to a train of storms that gave no respite. A separate issue are the Summer storms that are unpredictable and with the hot sea at the end of summer they can become very violent. Like the recent case of Girolata in Corsica where several sailboats were sunk and seriously damaged. A hug

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

We are very happy that you liked the movie. They are simple images of our life on board, the reality is that on a voyage of this type few things happen, and any detail such as the visit of dolphins becomes very important. We love being able to share with you the places we are discovering, and now we begin an exciting stage since the Island of Siicily and the Aeolian Islands where the next films will take place are a spectacular setting! ​