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We leave the Island of Elba and consequently, the days of short navigations always from the coast.

Elba has been a wonderful stopover but we already wanted to be at sea with the horizon as our destination. The days pass peacefully, we do not come across any boats and the horizon line becomes omnipresent. It surrounds us and accompanies us on this journey to the south.

Thanks for making it possible!!


Noemi & Josep


Dejamos la Isla de Elba y en consiguiente, los dias de cortas navegaciones siempre de la costa. 

Elba ha sido una escala maravillosa pero ya nos apetecia estar en el mar con el horizonte como destino. Los dias transcurren placidamente, no nos cruzamos con ningun barco y la linea del horizonte sehace omnipresente. Nos rodea y nos acompaña en este viaje hacia el sur.

Gracias por hacerlo posible!!!


Noemi y Josep


137 vip post Gener



How nice it is to admire Noemi's beautiful, tanned body in the middle of winter. 😍🌷

Donald Murray

That should read "Cute Kitty! meaning absolutely No disrespect" Don Murray