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Do you remember our End of the Year message? Well, while Noemi is finishing the subtitles for the new movie, I'm editing photographs and the video that came next.

Now I share with you this wide selection of delicious photographs of Noemi, I don't know if it is because of the love I have for her, but every day I see her more beautiful!

Happy new year!


Noemi & Josep


Recordais nuestro mensaje de Fin de año? Bien, pues mientras Noemi esta terminando los subtitulos de la nueva pelicula, yo estoy editando fotografias y el video que vino a continuacion. 

Ahora comparto con vosotros esta amplia seleccion de deliciosas fotografias de Noemi, no se si sera por el amor que le tengo, pero cada dia la veo mas guapa!

Feliz año Nuevo!


Noemi & Josep




She truly gets more beautiful every day. And since she has relaxed on being photographed totally nude it’s wonderful.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thans my friend I(Josep) agree with you!😜There are people who, when you focus a camera on them, change their expression and accidentally make all the magic they have disappear. Noemi's naturalness and friendliness in front of the camera is impressive, the camera loves her and makes her improve