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Hello friends, at this point in the trip we are completely in love with the Island of Elba!

We feel comfortable with its beautiful landscapes and the tranquility that is felt at the end of September, we spent the days touring the south of the island, and discovering its beaches and great bays!

Life on board the My Life goes peacefully.

Thank you very much for making this dream come true!

We hope you like it!!

Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, a estas alturas del viaje estamos completamente enamorados de la Isla de Elba! 

Nos sentimos comodos con sus bellos paisajes y la tranquilidad que se respira a finales de Septiembre, pasamos los dias recorriendo el sur de la isla, y descubriendo sus playas y grandes bahias!

La vida a bordo del My Life transcurre placidamente. 

Muchas gracias por hacer realidad este sueño!

esperamos que os guste!!

Noemi Y Josep​


Ep 135 · SAILING SOUTH OF ELBA · Movie Premiere


David Scott

I don't know how you do it, I'd be chasing her, non-stop. She is one beautiful woman, your a lucky man....

Sandy Pants

For the last couple of years I have so enjoyed your travels. You never fail in removing the stress and worry of this life on land from me. I agree Josep, it’s paradise on earth those uninhabited places that make one feel like it must have been 2000 years ago. I find those places still and cherish the moments I spend there. Thank you so much for your hard work. What a great team you guys make.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thank you dear friend!!! Certainly turning these majestic moments into videos is a lot. job! But being able to share them with you encourages us to continue with this ambitious project of traveling and documenting the entire Mediterranean. We hope that together we can make this dream come true!!! We love you!!!❤️❤️❤️