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Hello friends, this Sailing Life project that already has 134 films, we are doing it together with you, and your opinion is very important to us!

Artificial Intelligence currently offers us the possibility of dubbing voices into other languages and also imitating the tone of voice.

Since the majority of the audience for our films is English-speaking, we are considering dubbing some parts of our films into English and combining the two languages ENGLISH and SPANISH.

Of course we would continue with the subtitles as before in ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN and SPANISH.

We have done a test with RASK AI, and we would like you to give us your opinion on how it sounds, do you think it is of sufficient quality?

This is a trial version, in the paid version they ensure that the lip movement and synchronization is better.

Do you know any other better program?


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, este proyecto de La Vida a Vela que ya cuenta con 134 peliculas, lo estamos haciendo conjuntamente con vosotros, y vuestra opinion es muy importante para nosotros!

La Inteligencia Artificial nos ofrece acualmente la posibilidad de doblar las voces a otros idiomas y ademas de imitar el tono de voz. 

Ya que la mayoria del publico de nuestras peliculas es de habla inglesa, nos estamos planteando doblar algunas partes de nuestras peliculas al ingles y combinar los dos idiomas INGLES y ESPAÑOL. 

Por supuesto continuariamos con los subtitulos como hasta ahora en INGLES, FRANCES, ITALIANO y ESPAÑOL.

Hemos hecho una prueba con RASK AI, y nos gustaria que nos dierais vuestra opinion de que tal suena, creeis que es de una calidad suficiente?

Esta es una version de prueba, en la version de pago aseguran que el movimiento de los labios y la sincronizacion es mejor.

Conoceis algun otro programa mejor?


Noemi y Josep


Lacona, Elba · Trying AI to translation



Even if it sounds good, I would hate to miss the wonderful sound of Spanish, although I understand very little of it. A big compliment for your efforts to keep developing your project. On a practical note: take account of AI need of computer power and thus electricity. I wonder wether on board your ship that might be a problem.

Mark Safford

It sounds good hope the wind lays down for you guys