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Dear friends, we bring you some images of our new Private Video that very soon we will present exclusively here on Patreon! They are very recent images from our last stopover in southern Sardinia.

We were lucky to be able to anchor in one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean, the dunes of Porto Pino, a place that we love and that we are very excited to share with you.


Noemi & Josep


Queridos amigos, os adelantamos algunas omagenes de nuestro nuevo PRIVATE VIDEO que muy pronto. estrenaremos! Son imagenes muy recientes de nuestra ultima escala en el sur de Cerdeña.

Tuvimos la suerte de poder fondear en uno de los sitios mas bonitos del Mediterraneo, las dunas de Porto Pino, un lugar que amamos y que nos hace mucha ilusion poder compartir con vosotros

Con Amor

Noemi y Josep



LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks friends for your nice comments!!! We hope you enjoy the full video that we just released. ❤️❤️❤️


Love the dunes and Noemi their freedom and beauty. I can always see more, love your posts. You capture all the beauty, thanks❤️