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On our trip to Greece we have discovered countless landscapes, beautiful islands and unforgettable memories that will one day become new episodes of La Vida a Vela.

Very soon we will leave Greece, but first, we want to share with you some recent images of Noemi on this old trunk worn by the sea and the sun, which is an authentic work of art created by nature.

In the next few days we will send the SEA and STAR Patrons the EXTRA PRIVATE VIDEOS of the month of July.

We love you!!!

Noemi & Josep


En nuestro viaje por grecia hemos descubierto infinidad de paisajes, preciosas islas e inolvidables recuerdos que algun dia se convertiran en nuevos episodios de La Vida a Vela.

Muy pronto dejaremos Grecia, pero antes, queremos compartir con vosotros algunas imagenes recientes de Noemi en este viejo tronco desgastado por el mar y el sol, que es una autentica obra de arte creada por la naturaleza.

En los proximos dias enviaremos a los Patrons SEA y STAR los EXTRA PRIVATE VIDEOS del mes de Julio.

Os queremos!!!

Noemi y Josep


Private tronc blanc



An excellent start to a new month.😄 Thanks for the video. Poetry, a symphony of beauty.👌 The old tree branch is the background for Noemi, who is here the definition and figure of beauty of creation and art of nature. 😘😘


Truly beautiful Noemi. Stunning video. Kisses on the kitty. Yum

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Krzysztof, we really enjoyed recording in this amazing scenery. If it had been possible, we would have liked to be able to take this beautiful trunk, which is undoubtedly a true work of art.❤️