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Hello friends, we are very happy to be able to share with you a new VIP POST!

This is a very special video, in which beyond the unedited scenes from the last film, and without losing the usual nudity of VIP POSTS, we show you the moment we caught a fish.

We hope you like it!!!T

Thank you very much for your support and for making this dream possible.


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, estamos muy felices de poder compartir con vosotros un nuevo VIP POST!

Este es un video muy especial, en el que mas alla de las escenas sin editar de la ultima pelicula, y sin perder la desnudez habitual de los VIP POSTS, os mostramos  el momento en  que pescamos un pez.

Esperamos que os guste!!!

Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo y por hacer este sueño posible.


Noemi y Josep


VIP POST Fishing


Donald Murray

That was beautiful do it again please!


Beautiful catch. There will be a tasty dinner. Bryan Adams would be happy to know that he is the background music for this cute and spontaneous video. 😀❤️❤️