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Hello friends, here is the video that has bothered YouTube so much to eliminate it, impose a sanction on us, and threaten to close our channel if that happens again.

This version includes some extra scenes only for Patreon that we don't include in the Youtube version to avoid disturbing the sick minds that rule youtube and decide what the rest of the world can see or not.

We declare ourselves unable to understand the criteria, which makes this video so harmful to remove it even before anyone can see it, and our other videos that we have made with exactly the same intention can be seen on YouTube with millions of views.

If any of you understand where this evil lies, please tell us.

Many thanks friends

Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, aqui esta el video que tanto ha molestado a Youtube para eliminarlo, ponernos una sancion, y amenazarnos con cerra nuestro canal si eso se repite.  

Esta version incluye algunas escenas extra solo para Patreon que no incluimos en la version de Youtube para no molestar a las mentes enfermizas que gobiernan youtube y deciden lo que puede ver o no el resto del mundo.

Nos declaramos incapeces de entender el criterio, que hace que este video sea tan perjudicial para eliminarlo incluso antes de que lo pueda ver nadie, y otros de nuestros videos que hemos hecho exactamente con la misma intencion se puedan ver en Youtube con millones de visitas.

Si alguno de vostros comprende donde radica ese mal, por favor que nos lo diga. 

Muchas gracias amigos

Noemi & Josep


Ep119 Youtube Episode inc Extra Patreon Scennes


Walter Pinkus

I have to wonder if this decision has less to do with your content of Episode 119, which I do not see as different in terms of Noemi's attire than your other presentations, and more a political reaction by Monaco to your Episode 118 "tirade" over Monaco's documentation requirements that do not conform to current European Union standards for land entry to Monaco from France. The timing of Youtube's ban for the very next episode is suggestive, as is Youtube's seeming unwillingness to work with you to educate you as to what their specific objections are so that you do not transgress in the future.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Dear Walter, We have received this same argument from several people on Instagram, we are reluctant to think that freedom of expression is so threatened also on a political level, we also do not believe that we have enough importance to bother Monaco or that Monaco has so much power to do this. But we no longer know what to think, since it seems very strange to us that in a situation like this, they cannot tell us the specific reason. They only gave us the reason that we violated their policy on "sex and nudity" The possibility of applying this policy in this video is very debatable. Since, as expected, there is no sex, no pornography, no abuse or a long list of things that obviously cannot be shown on YouTube and that we also fully support. What is highly worrying is that anything like eating or kissing, if they interpret that it is done with the intention of provoking sexual pleasure, is also considered a serious offense. by what is judged is only an intention... I have to wonder if this decision has less to do with her Episode 119 content, which I don't see all that different in terms of Noemi's outfit than her other introductions, and more a political reaction from Monaco to her Episode 118 "rant" about Los Monaco documentation requirements that do not conform to current European Union standards for land entry to Monaco from France. The timing of Youtube's ban for the next episode is suggestive, as is Youtube's apparent unwillingness to work with you to educate you on what your specific objections are so you don't transgress in the future.

Donald Murray

Really sorry this happened to you. Marling Yoga also got suspended for a week for violating YT rules, so hopefully, you will be back soon. Good luck. Love you

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Dear Donald! The real problem is that I still don’t know what difference are between Ep 118 that is posible to see with out any restriction in YT and Ep119 that has been censored. I asked in different ways to know the reason that the reviewer write and is not any way to get it…