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Hello friends, our trip ended for this season. Now we are ordering and editing the obtained images. We are excited to share with all of you these images where Noemi was happy to return to the Ebro Delta after 4 months sailing. It is also time to visit family and friends.

This video will continue with this month's Private video!

We love you!

Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, nuestro viaje termino por esta temporada. Ahora estamos ordenando y editando las imagenes obtenidas. nos hace ilusion compartir con todos vosotros estas imagenes donde Noemi estaba feliz de regresar al Delta del Ebro después de 4 meses navegando. Es hora tambien de visitar a la familia y amigos.

Este video continuara con el Private video de este mes!

Os queremos!

Noemi y Josep


Arribada a la Rapita



Always a joy to watch Noemi!


Love you both also. Enjoy your time on land with family & friends.