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Hello friends, we continue sailing and discovering new landscapes and cultures in the exciting Island of Sicily. The Mediterranean never ceases to amaze us!

It is not being easy to combine the trip with continuing to work on editing our films, and for this reason we are especially happy to be able to premiere our new film DAYS OF YOU AND ME Ep114 here on Patreon. In this new film we focus on the coexistence on board the sailboat, in our day to day in the beautiful bay of Saint Tropez.


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, seguimos navegando y descubriendo nuevos paisajes y culturas en la apasionante Isla de Sicilia. El Mediterraneo no deja de sorprendernos! 

No esta siendo facil compaginar el viaje con  seguimos trabajando en la edicion de nuestras peliculas, y por esyto estamos especialmente felices de poder estrenar aqui en Patreon nuestra nueva pelicula DAYS OF YOU AND ME Ep114. En esta nueva pelicula nos centramos en la convivencia a bordo del velero, en nuestro dia a dia en la preciosa bahia de Saint Tropez.


Noemi y Josep


Ep 114 · DAYS OF YOU AND ME · Côte d'Azur · FULL MOVIE


Walter Pinkus

Thank you for another beautiful video! Unfortunately, trying to access English subtitles, all I can find are French and Spanish - Sp in both the Sp and En choices.

Sandy Pants

It looks like it's going to be a great movie. But once again the english subtitles are not showing in english. They are showing in spanish. If the issue is on my end please let me know if I can fix it. Thanks so much for all the effort you guys put into making such beatiful episodes. I enjoy them so much. I would also love to see Noemi painting again. Her talent is so wonderful. Thank you.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Dear Walter, we are sorry for this mistake with the subtitles, we have contacted Vimeo because it is a mistake in their settings page. We hope that it will be solved very soon.❤️

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Dear Sandy , We have checked this error and you are absolutely right. We have contacted Vimeo because it is a failure of their configuration page. We hope that it will be solved very soon. Thank you very much for letting us know❤️