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Hello friends!!! When we start sailing again after the winter, the sensations and emotions are very intense. In this new Private Video we want to share with you images from this season where we reconnect with nature.

Our skin still white, wants to feel the sand, the salt of the sea, and fill us with the beauty of our beloved Mediterranean landscape.

They are images of this new season, when we were still in Menorca. Now we are in Sicily, after sailing the entire southern coast of Sardinia, and tomorrow we will leave the port of Palermo to continue east to the beautiful city of Cefalù.

We are experiencing very intense moments, and we are obtaining beautiful images of all this, which we hope to be able to turn into new movies next season.

As usual, now that the month is over, we will send a new EXTRA PRIVATE VIDEO to all the skippers who have accompanied us during the month of July, at SEA level or higher.Thank you very much for making all this possible!!!


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos! cuando empezamos a navegar de nuevo despues del invierno, las sensaciones y emociones son muy intensas. En este nuevo Private Video queremos compartir con vosotros imagenes de esta temporada donde nos  reencontramos con la naturaleza. 

Nuestra piel todavia blanca, quiere sentir la arena sobre la piel, la sal del mar y llenarnos de la belleza de nuestro querido paisaje mediterraneo.

Son imagenes de esta nueva temporada, cuando todavia estabamos en Menorca. Ahora ya estamos en Sicila, despues de navegar toda la costa sur de Cerdeña, y mañana dejaremos el puerto de Palermo para continuar hacia el este, hasta la bonita ciudad de Cefalú. 

Estamos viviendo momentos muy intensos, y estamos obteniendo bellas imagenes de todo ello, que esperamos poder convertir en nuevas peliculas la proxima temporada.

Como es habitual, ahora que terminamos el mes, enviaremos un nuevo EXTRA PRIVATE VIDEO a todos los patrons que nos habeis acompañado durante el mes de Julio, en el nivel SEA o superior.

Muchas gracias por hacer posible todo ello!!!


Noemi & Josep


PRIVATE VIDEO Sand Over my Skin


Big Blue

So naturally sexy. Just great

Donald Murray

Dear Noemi. I am improving at this video. You are absolutely beautiful. I was able enlarge the video where I was able focus in on all parts of your body. You have a nice back a great derriere and even better monsvinerous along with your perky breast and laugh is contagious. I can see why Josep is so much in love with you. Stay as you are and have a great life. Your friend, Don