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Hello friends, here in Sardinia it is 6 in the morning and right now we are going to leave for Sicily, it is a long journey of about 160NM, it awaits us all day and the next night at sea. Before leaving, we are very excited to premiere our new movie, recorded on our previous trip to the south of France, where we arrived in the famous city of Saint Tropez. We hope you like it!!!

We leave now with the illusion of discovering in Sicilis such beautiful scenarios as this one, to continue completing our look at this diverse Mediterranean.


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, aqui en Cerdeña son las 6 de la mañana y justo ahora vamos a salir rumbo a Sicilia es una travesia larga de unas 160NM, nos espera todo el dia y la proxima noche en el mar. Antes de partir nos hace mucha ilusion estrenar nuestra nueva pelicula, grabada en nuestro anterior viaje por el sur de Francia, donde llegamos a la famosa ciudad de Saint Tropez. Esperamos que os guste!!! 

Partimos ahora con la ilusion de descubrir en Sicilis tan bellos escenarios como este,  para seguir completando nuestra mirada por este Mediterraneo tan diverso.


Noemi y Josep


Ep 113 · SAILING TO SAINT-TROPEZ · Full Movie Premiere



Enjoy Palermo with its layers of history left by Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Normans, French, Spanish (!), &c. .......... According to Vesselfinder you are still ten miles North of Palermo. It would be nice if you turn it on before leaving port, so we can follow your exploration of Sicily.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thank you Dear Goff, we are discovering the wonderful city of Palermo,it is an impressive city!!! We have not disconnected the AIS, as I told you, there are areas where Vesselfinder loses its coverage near the coast. LOVE😘

Marin Streeter

Great movie thanks for showing a part of this world. Well produced.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Marin, great you liked! we are in love with Mediterranean, we would like to be able to transmit all the beauty that surrounds us and the emotions we feel. ❤️❤️