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Hello friends, we are happy to be able to release our new movie here on Patreon!

This is another film dedicated to the sea and navigation, we sail through the South of France, from Les Îles du Frioul to the impressive island of Porquerolles. We want to convey to you the passion we feel for the sea, nature, beauty, freedom...

We hope you like it!!!

kisses and hugs from the South of Sardinia!!

Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos estamos felices de poder estrenar aqui en Patreon nuestra nueva pelicula!

Esta es otra pelicula dedicada al mar y la navegacion, navegamos por el Sur de Francia, desde Les Îles du Frioul hasta la impresionante isla de Porquerolles. Queremos transmitiros la pasion que sentimos por el mar, la naturaleza, la belleza, la libertad...

Esperamos que os guste!!!

Besos y abrazos desde el Sur de Cerdeña!!

Noemi y josep


Ep 112 · SAILING SOUTH FRANCE From Îles Du Frioul To Porquerolles · FULL MOVIE PREMIERE



amazing movie, the sights are absolute wonders, i love how blue and calming the sea is, it must be such a joy to travel together and you can feel the love you have for each other and how this travelling conects you together through such beautiful nature, wonderful movie as always, safe travels and love to you both


A fine narrative telling the story of your 8 hour transit to Porquerolles. Realistic scenes of your life under sail. All except the last five minutes devoted to artificial posing, which is quite out of place in the movie. I would have preferred five more minutes of the true narrative. Perhaps swimming scenes, which you promised at 12.20. [By the way, please turn back on your tracker so I can follow your route along the coast of Sardinia this July 2022 Thank you.]..

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thank you David, we are glad to receive such a nice comment. Sailing on a sailboat we do not always get calm seas, lonely landscapes or paradisiacal images. Perhaps for this reason, when we find it, the emotions are more intense, and the connection that is established between us and with nature is something magical. This is precisely what we try to convey with our films.😘😘😘😘

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Dear Goof, We are glad that you have been following our trip for a long time and that you value positively the navigation that we carry out in the south of France. After the Pandemic seasons where we had restrictions to travel and we focused in great detail on the Balearic Islands. Certainly the part of the trip becomes more important this season since we sail more than 1500NM and the periods on board the My Life are much more relevant, We are now spending much more time on this part of the story and our movies are running longer as well. The final part is also important for us, in it we seek to convey emotions and beauty without words. Only through the landscape, Noemi and the music. It is something emotional that from the beginning occupies the final minutes of our movies. I'm sorry you don't like it, but I can tell you that these final minutes are the ones that require the most time to record and edit. They are part of the journey and the story of a couple in love. The AIS signal that we use to position the boat electronically is intended to help navigation, and we receive the signal directly from the boats around us, and we can see only the boats close to us. Veselfinder obtains this signal through antennas placed on land and so it builds a map of the whole world where we can see the traffic in real time. The idea is good but this requires a lot of antennas and some areas with little traffic have poor coverage for vesselfinder. Certainly we have seen that many areas of southern Sardenya are not positioning our boat, or the position is updated with a lot of delay. We can't do anything with that, we hope that in the next stage through Sicily this doesn't happen. We are currently in the Villasimius Marina. LOVE❤️