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Hello friends, in a while we will cross from Menorca to Sardinia to continue discovering new corners of this sea that we love so much. 

Chance has wanted that just before leaving we premiere the new movie NEW HORIZONS where navigation takes center stage with the crossing from Cadaques to Marseille.

 We hope you enjoy it and thank you for joining us on this journey!!!


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, dentro de un rato cruzaremos desde Menorca hasta Cerdenya para seguir descubriendo nuevos rincones de este mar que tanto amamos. 

El azar ha querido que justo antes de partir estrenemos la nueva pelicula NEW HORIZONS donde la navegacion cobra protagonismo con la travesia desde Cadaques hasta Marsella.

Esperamos que la disfrutéis! Muchas gracias por acompañarnos en este viaje!!! 


Noemi y Josep


NEW HORIZONS · Ep 111 · Full Movie



`thank you for taking me back to old haunts. Pure nostalgia. During the 1960s - while based at the Station Marine 'd'Endoume in Marselle, - I dived many of the idlsnds you psss by. Including Grand Congluée, where Cousteau filmed two Roman wrecks. Also the Coscar cave, which has an entry under water, then rises upon to the surface in cold fresh water. The caves walls were painted by prehistoric artists thousands of years ago. I sill have red coral that I collected from deep under the Chateau d'`if.


Enjoy your stay at Carlo Forte. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will resume swimming during this voyage in 2022. I remember you telling us that you had bought a new underwater camera. Please use it. , `Swimming scenes occurred frequently in earlier seasons, but they were sadly missing from Seasons 6 & 7. If I were the film director, I'd cut the last five minutes of natural posing in each movie a,nd replace them with scenes of natural swimming embedded earlier..