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Hello friends, the good weather has finally arrived!!!

Very soon we will start sailing again in a season that we hope will be full of adventures.

While we are enjoying the sunny days and we advance some images of the new Private video that we are preparing.

We love you!!!

Noemi & josep


Hola amigos, por fin ha llegado el buen tiempo!!!

 Muy pronto empezaremos a navegar de nuevo en una temporada que esperamos llena de aventuras.

Mientras estamos disfrutando de los dias de sol y os adelantamos algunas imagenes del nuevo video Privado que estamos preparando.

Os Queremos!!

Noemi & Josep




Can't wait to see the video, when will it be released? Noemi is stunning as always and so happy the sun is returning so your adventures can continue, love to you both

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Dear David, these videos can be seen before the end of this month. We hope to start our new adventure aboard My Life at the beginning of June! Thanks for making it all possible😘😘😘