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Hello friends, we are very happy to be able to premiere this special episode here in Patreon!.

Episode 100. GIVE ME YOUR HAND.

When we started all this we could never have imagined that we would reach this special figure. Thank you very much for making it possible!

In this episode we wanted to include all the aspects that have made up LA VIDA A VELA_SAILING MY LIFE throughout all these years.

We start with an intro very different from the usual, in it we wanted to delve into our most ecological and pacifist spirit, with images that emerge from our facet of artists.

Then we wanted to review our origins, and in this sense we are very excited to have been able to recover new images that we can now advance you exclusively!

We also want to take a look at the future and in this sense we offer you a preview of the route that we have traveled this summer and that very soon will continue our adventure through the Mediterranean.

As you know, at this stage of the trip we are completely in love with the island of Menorca, and this special episode also includes a tour of this beautiful island in the usual format of our movies.

We hope you like it and that together we can continue traveling this journey through the Mediterranean and through life.

We love you !!!

Noemi and Josep


Hola amigos, estamos muy felices de poder estrenar este episodio tan especial aqui en Patreon!. 

Episodio 100.  GIVE ME YOUR HAND.

Cuando rempezamos todo esto nunca habriamos podido imaginar que llegariamos a esta cifra tan especial. Muchas gracias por hacerlo posible!

En este episodio hemos querido incluir todos los aspectos que han conformado LA VIDA A VELA a lo largo de todos estos años. 

Empezamos con una intro muy diferente de lo habitual, en ella hemos querido ahondar en nuestro espiritu mas  ecologico y pacifista, con unas imagenes que surgen de nuetra faceta de artistas.

Despues hemos querido hacer un repaso a nuestros origenes, y en este sentido nos hace mucha ilusion haber podido recuperar nuevas imagenes que ahora os podemos mostrar en exclusiva! 

Tambien quermos hechar un vistazo al futuro y en este sentido os ofrecemos un adelanto de la ruta que hemos recorrido este verano y que muy pronto dara continuidad a nuestra aventura por el Mediterraneo.

Como sabeis a estas alturas del viaje ya estamos completamente enamorados de la isla de Menorca, y este episodio especial tambien incluye un recorrido por esta preciosa isla en el formato habitual de nuestras peliculas.

Esperamos que os guste y que juntos podamos seguir recorriendo este viaje por el Mediterraneo y por la vida.

Os queremos!!!

Noemi y Josep


Give me your hand · Ep 100 · Special Episode · Full Movie



Congratulations on 100. Hopefully the kitty is out more in 2022. Happy New Year


Thank you for the beautiful film. Noemi never looked better. I enjoyed it very much. As usual I thank you for sharing your adventures.Looking forward to more in 2022.